I would say lets get some good jokes on the go while he's still warm in the morgue, but, lets face it, he hasn't been warm in 20 years.
I wonder if his coffin will be Black, for General Waste, or Green, for Recyclable Materials?
I heard that he wants his ashes to be put into at Etch-A-Sketch, so he can have as many six year olds playing with him as possible.
Farrah Faucet is at the pearly gates and St. Peter tells her that since she was such a good sport while she was fighting cancer that she can have one wish for humanity. She said, "I want the children of the world to be safe." Suddenly, Micheal Jackson dies...
Did you hear? Micheal Jackson's dead. And on a lighter note, Madeline McCann was found alive and well in his wardrobe.
Paramedics who arrived on the scene collapsed with exhaustion and had to be treated with oxygen after trying to bring some colour into Micheal Jacksons cheeks.
Autopsy results reveal that his Cardiac Arrest was caused by food poisoning. He had eaten some 9 year old nuts and an 8 year old weiner.
New Reports indicate the cause of Micheal Jacksons death was not a Cardiac Arrest. He was found in the Childrens Ward having a stroke.
Micheals new album is in the works. He's decomposing it as we speak.
Anyone else going to go see the Jackson 4 next year?
What's the difference between Farrah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson? Farrah Fawcett used to bang Majors...
In honor of Michael Jackson, McDonalds has introduced a new burger called the McJackson. It consists of a piece of 50 year old meat between two 10 year old buns.
Please, if you have any more then I'd love to hear them.
News just in: Police are now reporting that Michael Jackson died fallin over a child pram.
Theyre not blaming it on the sunshine moonlight or good times. theyre blaming it on the buggy.
Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated, but recycled in to shopping backs so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.
Michael Jackson has passed away - rumour has it, he choked on a small bone.
Whats the difference between Michael Jackson and Sir Alex Ferguson?
Alex Ferguson will still be playing Giggs in August.
Tomorrow at Haydock races, jockies will wear black armbands in honour of Michael Jackson, the man who successfully rode more 3 year olds than anyone in living memory.
..............I am a Jacko fan..........Fatty told me to do it!
I heard a great one today, God I'm still laughing about it.
Ok, Michael Jackson walks into a bar.
Fuck, I can't even finish typing it, it's just great.
The family has asked for a second autopsy. The first one couldn't determine if the cause of death was the sunshine, the moonlight, the good times or the boogie.