According to Jacky Smith, president of the Official International Queen Fan Club, QUEEN'S NEW OFFICIAL BIOGRAPHY will be out later this year!
The current off. biograpy (Queen: As It Began) is from 1992; in an exclusive Q&A with our community, Jacky replies to one of our question referred to a new bio, as follow:
16. The Official Biography goes back to 1992. After the “The Freddie Mercury Ttribute” there have been a lot of new events. Also thanks to Internet, a lot of new facts have been discovered and many mistakes have been corrected. So Jacky, what about a new official biography? Is it true that you are already working on it?
Work is almost complete on the ‘new’ biography, and I am hoping it will be printed later this year – I finally have enough money to get this done, as we had a lot of new members joining to get tickets for the tour! I think we should have it done by early summer!
Jacky said "I finally have enough money to get this done." Wait what? She has to publish this herself? I seem to recall "As It Began" as being a proper book, put out by a proper publishing company so what gives with that comment?
or is there some confusion here and this isn't a book but rather that pamphlet "biography" that fan club members get?
Yes this is the Fan Club Biography that I am working on with Jacky and not the As It Began updated biography book. Hopefully this will be the best yet and we're looking to have a great colour cover too.....although it looks like there won't be many pics inside as the whole thing is a lot bigger than last time (the purple cover one), so doesn't leave much room unfortunately.
GT wrote:
Yes this is the Fan Club Biography that I am working on with Jacky and not the As It Began updated biography book. Hopefully this will be the best yet and we're looking to have a great colour cover too.....although it looks like there won't be many pics inside as the whole thing is a lot bigger than last time (the purple cover one), so doesn't leave much room unfortunately.
Thanks for you information. Sounds pretty good to me, also if it isn't an updated version of As t Began
If there's something our community can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.
I wish Queen would release a book similar to Anthology or the Genesis book from last year. I'd love to have a 400 page hardback book filled with pictures, quotes etc from the 50's up to now. Would be great to see Brian and Roger comments about some of their solo work, the years post-Freddie and pre-QPR etc. etc.
Blah blah. Yes - as with As It Began, this will be another standardised version of the well-known Queen story that we have all read many times before. Authorised by and controlled by the very same people that are putting a block on anything interesting or "new" musically appearing. I remember getting AIB on the day it came out and had finished it by that evening; I put the book in the loft at my parent's place having learnt NOTHING new and there it has remained ever since.
Anything controversial will be suppressed and we will be none the wiser. 2009 begins as 2008 ended.
I remember getting AIB on the day it came out and had finished it by that evening; I put the book in the loft at my parent's place having learnt NOTHING new and there it has remained ever since.
sad but true. is was about that with me, too. only for starters!
Micrówave wrote:
As with most things Queen, my first question (lately) has to be:
Nothing, I suppose - the OIQFC biography has always been sent to Fan Club members together with the Fanzine...
I think this time will be different... I mean, as for what I know, probably this Fan Club Bio will be printed as a "book" and it will be FREE only for new members, sent together with the usually "new fan member pack".
Others - members or not I think - can buy the bio via the fan club. And it seems it can be downloaded too (I think for free) trough the "fan club only members forum" so probably members could get it for FREE, as a download
Well it's a bit more than just adding to the Biography section.
As you know the main part of the book is of the Band's Discography which includes all formats released in the UK and abroad as well as the solo recordings.