Hi All,
This track is going around as "Roger Taylor 1988 olympic theme."
I have heard Brian May's unused 1988 olympic theme, but to be honest I have not heard of Roger doing a version. Just a quick question, is this real or just a fan made track? There seams to be samples of "Killing Time" in there.
here are infos what i know:
This track is very rare, and is reported to sound like a cross
between the extended intro to 'Strange Frontier' and 'Vultan's
Theme', as well as other tracks from 'Flash Gordon'. It is
apparently a very strong track, dominated by drums (as you
would expect), and also features John on bass.
Both Brian and Roger were approached (individually) by Thames Television to produce the theme music for their coverage of the 1988 Olympic Games. However, neither of the pieces were used, as music by Eric Clapton was chosen instead.
Rog track is dominated by drums as you would expect, and sounds like elements from the extended intro to 'Strange Frontier'. It's a very strong track and features John on bass. This track is officially unreleased, however a 2:06 excerpt is available,the full length of the song is 4:30.
Hi I have just googled it. "Roger Taylor Olympic 1988 theme" seems to me more people believe it to be true on their websites. I hope the full version surfaces :-)
brians wig wrote:
Well 2.06 minutes of the track being available is news to me and I've been collecting Queen for 20 years.
So. Is what "word in your ear" uploaded the real deal or what?
all cited information has been available at least at ultimatequeen.co.uk for several years.
for my ears it's a real roger track - and i've been listening to and analyzing (as a musician myself) queen music for some thirty years.
brians wig wrote:
Well 2.06 minutes of the track being available is news to me and I've been collecting Queen for 20 years.
So. Is what "word in your ear" uploaded the real deal or what?
It is the real deal! Compared it with mine -> same, only slightly faster. My source -> mastertape.
I'm surprised, going by the upload date, that this went unnoticed for barely over a year!
Then again, I've found some nice surprises even among non-Queen-related things I also listen to or watch on YouTube, even well after the fact!
(I wish YouTube will offer a feature, even if through a paid account upgrade, to download the master files that the YouTube quality encodes are sourced from, someday. YouTube otherwise adds a whole new angle of complications to collectors really, sometimes in a piss-take sort of way)
It sounds pretty good, and some parts do seem lifted from Strange Frontier's songs (especially Killing You), but in a seemingly authentic way rather than a poorly-made fake fan mix.
face-it-alone, since you say your source comes from the mastertape, am I safe in assuming you have either a better-than-YouTube quality MP3 or even a lossless FLAC copy, whether it's complete or not?
inu-liger wrote:
face-it-alone, since you say your source comes from the mastertape, am I safe in assuming you have either a better-than-YouTube quality MP3 or even a lossless FLAC copy, whether it's complete or not?
Yes (lossless), and no, I won't share. I don't share on Queenzone, too hostile! Tried before to share the Reaction tracks (but I got too much bad comments).
inu-liger wrote:
face-it-alone, since you say your source comes from the mastertape, am I safe in assuming you have either a better-than-YouTube quality MP3 or even a lossless FLAC copy, whether it's complete or not?
Yes (lossless), and no, I won't share. I don't share on Queenzone, too hostile! Tried before to share the Reaction tracks (but I got too much bad comments).
It's only as hostile as you posers continue to make it.
inu-liger wrote:
face-it-alone, since you say your source comes from the mastertape, am I safe in assuming you have either a better-than-YouTube quality MP3 or even a lossless FLAC copy, whether it's complete or not?
Yes (lossless), and no, I won't share. I don't share on Queenzone, too hostile! Tried before to share the Reaction tracks (but I got too much bad comments).
It's only as hostile as you posers continue to make it.