So ... What are the actual sales of this singles box set?
What percentage of the 10,000 units have sold?
I think that you are the best, and I trust you to give honest answers to the above questions.
I can't believe that so many people are expressing a negative opinion of this well thought out box set. No one is putting a gun to their head forcing them to buy it.
There is no reason that QPL should actually behave like a reputable company, and actually listen to their whiny customers. QPL's "dangling carrot" management style is excellent long term thinking. QPL should continue to hint at and delay future releases like the BBC sessions, Earl's Court, the "real" boxsets, and the surround sound album DVD's, because customers always want what they can't have.
Queen Archivist wrote:
That's right guys.... I work for EMI don't I?????? I work in their Sales & Receipts Department???????
tip tap tippy tappy tip go my fingers on the EMI calculator!!!!
I only hear vague things, the general situation, not number and figures, you silly silly boys.
Stop asking outrageously stupid questions.
You'll be asking me what bath towels are going to be reduced in the Debenhams January sale next.
Well you wrote something like 'it's selling pretty good', so it's logical to ask how good.
Greg, you little silly dumbass! Just call or email those guys from EMI , and get us the numbers you were bragging about !!!
Show us you "care" and let us know the numbers ... Or are you afraid to find out it is not selling that well ????????
You will probably avoid the subject, the question and anything else (whenever convenient) , but at least show us that you're not an asshole , and publish the sales figures!
It's the first time I post in this sort of discussion, since I'm a so called "newbie", and my species tend to be higly underrated by almost anyone with 50+ posts.
Risking myself to recieve either a general bash or not a word at all as reply from the "community", I'd like to say that at first, I was pretty eskeptical at the news of having you as a common member in this forum. In time I've accepted as a dogma your identity, mostly by the systematic rage of the topics related to you and your activities.
Then, instead of this wave of hate, stupid questions and disrespect, we all should be aware of our luck. Congratulations, Greg, you have a wonderful job. I can hardly imagine what you have listened to, or even view. You have an awesome way to earn money. If you ever plan to reveal anything about it, good. If not, you may have your reasons or even your limitations. Keep going! Be strong! and... if possible, do what you can to bring us a nice DVD from the Live Killers era...He He He.