Queen Archivist 20.12.2008 07:54 |
Can I just say, in response to your various responses to my other similar named post... I really do NOT hate the Queen Singles Box 1. That's NOT how my posting reads to me. I honestly don't dislike it at all. I actually like it a lot. You know me well enough by now to know that I say what I mean. I don't just say what is 'expected'. That has got me into much deep water over the years. No, it's not what was originally proposed, that is true, but that doesn't mean I don't like this box - as several of you seem to have inferred from my words. Recently I purchased very similar looking boxes of artists like Blondie, Big Country, Marillion, Simon & Garf, The Stranglers. Why? Because I really love these little boxes. They appeal to me on several levels; small, concise, easy to store, and I like the card sleeves much better than plastic jewel cases, or those books you can buy with CDs attached to the front/back. Although... the Freddie Solo box and War Of The Worlds book/box were pretty lovely things in their way. Hint hint! I was disappointed that Box 1 did not have a booklet, that was my main irritation, but otherwise I think it's fine. The Blondie box I got this week does NOT have all their 12" extended versions, remixes, edits and instrumentals, nor the Big Country one, or the Stranglers one. But they are great little things and I'm pleased with them. They're very similar to our Queen Box 1 - only not as colourful, and our international flavoured sleeves are VASTLY SUPERIOR. I really think that had you just gone out and bought QS1 with no preconceptions, fixed expectations, no detailed ideas of what it surely must and WILL feature, you'd have enjoyed it. I think you all expected something HUGE and comprehensive, definitive even, because that was how it originally was proposed, but then you got all upset when it turned out to be something different to that. It is different, yes. It's a completely different animal, as they say. Things change all the time, from the time of conception to fruition. It's always been that way. If this purple box 1 had suddenly just emerged, with no one knowing about it or expecting it, and with no time to make up in your mind what it might or 'should' entail, then you might well have been pleasantly surprised - exactly as I was with the Blondie/Big Country boxes I only saw for the first time 10 days ago, and received this week. I had no time to make up my good or bad ideas of what they SHOULD feature. QS1 was £40 approx. Not £60 or £80. It's great value to my mind. How can anyone NOT like the way it looks and feels, and the many great sleeves therein which otherwise, in 7" form, few of us could afford to buy. I genuinely like QS1 a lot. Most of you seem to hate it solely because it's not HUGE and definitive. That's not too logical. Aside from no booklet (which i truly hope will happen for Box 2), I really like QS1 and, having already planned 2, 3 and 4, I happen to think they are great too. Together, they will look amazing. Please give them a chance. Don't make up your minds in advance.... that is precisely what I myself do with every forthcoming Robbie Williams album. But that's not good, sensible or fair. I think we all should keep an open mind and take things for what they are. Except Robbie Williams! And Madonna. |
on my way up 20.12.2008 09:45 |
Greg, do you have good news too? [img=/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif][/img] |
pittrek 20.12.2008 09:47 |
Although... the Freddie Solo box and War Of The Worlds book/box were pretty lovely things in their way. Hint hint! If it does mean what I think it does mean ..... [img=/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif][/img] |
on my way up 20.12.2008 10:03 |
Josh Henson 20.12.2008 10:57 |
Greg, all of us (including myself) appreciate the hard work you put into your job. I know it is frustrating putting a lot into a particular project, paper, presentation, amalgam filling, or whatever, and it is later not appreciated or used or recognized. It's frustrating. To me it seems senseless all the crap that QPL is throwing at us: NUMEROUS GH1 compilations, Stone Cold Classics, The Cosmos Rocks....couldn't resist the last one...and not giving the fans anything really new or worthwhile. I know this isn't your decision, but it seems utterly retarded to me for them to NOT promote new material (TCR, the 2006 US tour, etc.) or to release new material that is OBVIOUSLY out there: Hammy 75, Hammy 79, Houston 77, Earl's Court, etc etc. Why the hell was Montreal 81 released 4 different times??? It would be nice to one day see Brian May and the idiots at QPL put out some live 70's material and get over the fact that a lot of people already own it on bootleg or that they can't get a complete sound mix or whatever and deal with it. |
Josh Henson 20.12.2008 11:00 |
And by the way, I have bought everything QPL has put out since 1991 (and the old stuff of course), but no longer. I'm not buying any more of this shit that we all already have (Montreal 81), don't want (TCR, Stone Cold Classics), or don't need (singles box set without anything new or included on it). |
Marcos Napier 20.12.2008 11:10 |
Hadrian wrote: Why the hell was Montreal 81 released 4 different times??? Because they know that there will be enough fans to buy it to pay at least for the production costs. Why pay to restore some old footage, make new mixes etc. etc. if they can just repack something and release it as new? |
Erin 20.12.2008 11:36 |
Marcos Napier wrote:Hadrian wrote: Why the hell was Montreal 81 released 4 different times???Because they know that there will be enough fans to buy it to pay at least for the production costs. Why pay to restore some old footage, make new mixes etc. etc. if they can just repack something and release it as new? I can't complain about the last release. Seeing it on blu-ray is awesome...cover still looks crap, though. ;-) |
John S Stuart 20.12.2008 12:28 |
Not wanted. Not interested. Next.. |
Erin 20.12.2008 12:50 |
John S Stuart wrote: Not wanted. Not interested. Next.. That's Pieter's take on it. For some reason, I still find myself wanting to buy it. [img=/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif][/img] |
inu-liger 20.12.2008 16:15 |
Marcos Napier wrote:Hadrian wrote: Why the hell was Montreal 81 released 4 different times???Because they know that there will be enough fans to buy it to pay at least for the production costs. Why pay to restore some old footage, make new mixes etc. etc. if they can just repack something and release it as new? You failed to realize that up until QPL and Eagle Rock Entertainment bought back the rights to the film, they had literally NO control over that release! Pioneer Entertainment (now Geneon I believe) would be to blame for that, the first three DVD releases. The first one was bad... |
Marcos Napier 20.12.2008 16:34 |
I have serious doubts that the brazilian version was really authorized at all so it's not "official". Still, whomever is responsible for this (shouldn't it always be QPL?), it's still a shame. "Who's to blame when situations degenerate?" |
Marcos Napier 20.12.2008 16:34 |
Marcos Napier wrote: I have serious doubts that the brazilian version wasn't really authorized at all so it's not "official". Still, whomever is responsible for this (shouldn't it always be QPL?), it's still a shame. "Who's to blame when situations degenerate?" |
inu-liger 20.12.2008 18:04 |
Marcos Napier wrote: I have serious doubts that the brazilian version was really authorized at all so it's not "official". Still, whomever is responsible for this (shouldn't it always be QPL?), it's still a shame. "Who's to blame when situations degenerate?" Why are you bringing that into the discussion at all?? We're talking about the US releases: Pioneer: 1997 / 2001 (DD+PCM & DTS+DD remastered editions) Eagle Rock Entertainment: 2007 (also the first authorized worldwide DVD release, as well as first Queen Blu-ray / HD DVD release) PS. You're correct, the Brazilian release was not authorized at all. That, along with other supposedly legit Brazil-exclusive DVD's, were recorded off Laserdisc editions, so they had the same edits and all that were on the LD (most notably the absence of Fat Bottomed Girls on their "Greatest Flix I" DVD). Funny how LD supposedly gave them the excuse to label those DVD's as coming from remastered digital sources. Bwahahahahahaha! My ass. |
Josh Henson 20.12.2008 19:54 |
I did not fail to realize anything. I don't care if it was Pioneer or QPL or Wal-mart that released it the other times. It is still out there for the 4th time. |
Reading Princess 20.12.2008 20:56 |
Has Greg gone back on his medication? Or have QPL employed a new PR company to write his utter shite? Where's the usual insults? Personally Greg, I never thought for a minute that you weren't programmed to love the box. What with your promises of it being "really a lovely thing to hold". What the post at the top of this thread (supposedy by yourself) fails to address are the complaints littered throughout Queenzone and Queen Online. At the very least - charging £40 for hits available elsewhere for £5 but justifying it by adding a few B sides mostly owned by the fans on albums etc. and different packaging. Do you know, even a full collection of the single covers in the UK may have been interesting. Or all the single covers from around the world may have been interesting. But NO. Some UK covers and some others. Nowhere near approaching completeing a collection in any shape or form. Who's f..kin mad decision was that Greg? What "business interests" were at work there? It's not a pleasing item to behold. It screams "MONEY MAKING UNIT" to anyone but the most blinkered, naive and possibly mentally challenged fan. Don't insult us with your shit box and your (or some PR twat's) ridiculous attempts at validation. Especially trying to compare with other artists. They don't concern us. |
Marcos Napier 20.12.2008 21:10 |
inu-liger wrote:Marcos Napier wrote: I have serious doubts that the brazilian version was really authorized at all so it's not "official". Still, whomever is responsible for this (shouldn't it always be QPL?), it's still a shame. "Who's to blame when situations degenerate?"Why are you bringing that into the discussion at all?? Because some not so clever people might even think these are licensed and official releases? |
Saint Jiub 20.12.2008 21:29 |
Erin wrote:John S Stuart wrote: Not wanted. Not interested. Next..That's Pieter's take on it. For some reason, I still find myself wanting to buy it. [img=/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif][/img] Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't Don't buy THAT Box set. It's just not worth it. Don't buy THAT Box set. The economy sucks. Don't buy THAT Box set. Recycled again. Don't buy THAT Box set. QPL doesn't give a damn. ERIN - PLEASE BE STRONG. Save your money for some Queen stuff that you have not purchased multiple times before. Purchasing this box set will only encourage QPL to release more recycled prereleased stuff. Perhaps if this box set bombs, maybe QPL will come to their senses and release unrecycled archive material next year. |
Lester Burnham 21.12.2008 02:41 |
Panchgani wrote:Erin wrote:Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't Don't buy THAT Box set. It's just not worth it. Don't buy THAT Box set. The economy sucks. Don't buy THAT Box set. Recycled again. Don't buy THAT Box set. QPL doesn't give a damn. ERIN - PLEASE BE STRONG. Save your money for some Queen stuff that you have not purchased multiple times before. Purchasing this box set will only encourage QPL to release more recycled prereleased stuff. Perhaps if this box set bombs, maybe QPL will come to their senses and release unrecycled archive material next year.John S Stuart wrote: Not wanted. Not interested. Next..That's Pieter's take on it. For some reason, I still find myself wanting to buy it. [img=/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif][/img] Agreed. Erin, if you buy this box set, you're officially removed from QP duties. |
Queen Archivist 21.12.2008 06:43 |
clear... You clearly are a person that has a bee in his bonnet, axe to grind that probably dates back way past this Singles Box 1. No matter what I say or write, you will take exception to it because that's what you do. Your comments are not remotely representative of the many fans I've spoken with who love the box, or most of it, and whom actually really like the format/size/colour of it. So... you making out like you talk for ALL the fans, that you are somehow the appointed voice of the silent or some such thing, is just ridiculous. Your views are NOT common to those I've spoken with, nor the many fans my colleagues have spoken with and whom write to us and the band. Sure, SOME fans don't like it, of course not. That's always been the case. Some fans hate The Game and Hot Space, or Queen II. Some fans dislike Bites The Dust and Body Language (to disco-ey) and Tear It Up and White Man (too heavy). That's the way of it; it's never been different in 35 years. SOME fans don't like the box, clearly, clear, but you making out that everyone feels like you do is arrogant and irritating. You can see from some of the replies that other fans obviously DO like it, as do I. It's fine that you have your opinion, albeit such a predictable one, but you can't put out like you speak for EVERYONE. Clearly clear, you do not. You just like to think you do because it's popular (more often than not) on this particular forum. There are so many people out there that just want to be in opposition to anything and everything that QPL does. I find that kind of pre-programmed auto-response, rather puzzling and not worth paying much attention to. 'Others' feel the same. At least other fans have offered considered constructive helpful things, rather than just banging on about tedious things (such as the colour of the word QUEEN on the box!!!) and other such minutia that really benefits no one. Clear.... will you write something that's NOT predictable please, and which covers issues a bit deeper or more significant than the colour of the words on the box. |
Negative Creep 21.12.2008 07:14 |
Queen Archivist:
If this purple box 1 had suddenly just emerged, with no one knowing about it or expecting it, and with no time to make up in your mind what it might or 'should' entail, then you might well have been pleasantly surprised - exactly as I was with the Blondie/Big Country boxes I only saw for the first time 10 days ago, and received this week. I had no time to make up my good or bad ideas of what they SHOULD feature.
I'd say it was next to impossible to have no pre-concieved ideas about it as hadn't it been "rumoured" to be released for atleast 2 years? Also, I reckon Blondie don't have an archivist who turns up at conventions, on forums etc. giving info on potential releases that are seemlingly highly unlikely to ever happen (such as the long fabled anthology sets... do you think they'll ever be released? Me neither). Just a thought. |
oh-ja 21.12.2008 10:18 |
Queen Archivist wrote: clear... Your comments are not remotely representative of the many fans I've spoken with who love the box, or most of it, and whom actually really like the format/size/colour of it. So... you making out like you talk for ALL the fans, that you are somehow the appointed voice of the silent or some such thing, is just ridiculous. Your views are NOT common to those I've spoken with, nor the many fans my colleagues have spoken with and whom write to us and the band. you can't put out like you speak for EVERYONE. Clearly clear, you do not.Queen Archivist wrote: Was it really really worth moaning about and boring us all death with? No. _______________________ "us all" ... so who does try to speak for "everyone"? by the way, greg: those aforementioned comments are representative of at least this forum - and that is what counts. the many box loving fans you have spoken to - well, go ahead with them, but leave this forum alone. thanks and regards ha-jo |
oh-ja 21.12.2008 10:25 |
by another way: this software sucks ... editing doesn't work correctly, citation neither ... RICHARD!!! |
inu-liger 21.12.2008 11:21 |
Hadrian wrote: I did not fail to realize anything. I don't care if it was Pioneer or QPL or Wal-mart that released it the other times. It is still out there for the 4th time. Yet you clearly FAILED to get the point of my ANSWER, smartypants. It was OUTSIDE OF QUEEN'S CONTROL THE FIRST THREE TIMES WHEN PIONEER STILL HAD ALL THE RIGHTS! THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO ASK QUEEN PERMISSION TO RELEASE THE DVD'S - THAT'S HOW MUCH CONTROL THEY HAD. |
inu-liger 21.12.2008 11:22 |
oh-ja wrote: by another way: this software sucks ... editing doesn't work correctly, citation neither ... RICHARD!!! *points to the Queenzone.com forum section* |
Erin 21.12.2008 11:52 |
Lester Burnham wrote:Panchgani wrote:Agreed. Erin, if you buy this box set, you're officially removed from QP duties.Erin wrote: That's Pieter's take on it. For some reason, I still find myself wanting to buy it. [img=/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif][/img]Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't Don't buy THAT Box set. It's just not worth it. Don't buy THAT Box set. The economy sucks. Don't buy THAT Box set. Recycled again. Don't buy THAT Box set. QPL doesn't give a damn. ERIN - PLEASE BE STRONG. Save your money for some Queen stuff that you have not purchased multiple times before. Purchasing this box set will only encourage QPL to release more recycled prereleased stuff. Perhaps if this box set bombs, maybe QPL will come to their senses and release unrecycled archive material next year. Ha! I'm hangin' in there, guys. Hard to suppress my inner Stepford, you know. [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] I never bought Stone Cold Classics, so I'm not too far gone. |
Erin 21.12.2008 11:56 |
^^WTF? These quote boxes screwed up my post. Haven't bought it, yet, Lester and Rip. I'm hangin' in there! [img=/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif][/img] |
Benn 22.12.2008 04:43 |
Greg, The sad thing is that we KNOW what work you had done on the first set, but hearing that you have compromised both it and yourself in working on what WAS released has put backs up because it's a huge missed opportunity. |
Josh Henson 22.12.2008 07:38 |
inu-liger wrote:Hadrian wrote: I did not fail to realize anything. I don't care if it was Pioneer or QPL or Wal-mart that released it the other times. It is still out there for the 4th time.Yet you clearly FAILED to get the point of my ANSWER, smartypants. It was OUTSIDE OF QUEEN'S CONTROL THE FIRST THREE TIMES WHEN PIONEER STILL HAD ALL THE RIGHTS! THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO ASK QUEEN PERMISSION TO RELEASE THE DVD'S - THAT'S HOW MUCH CONTROL THEY HAD. Again, no, I did not fail to realize what you're saying. I understand what you are saying. You don't understand what I am saying. Again....I don't care WHO released the damn dvd/concert. It is essentially the same material. Who gives a shit if Pioneer released it before they did? They need to get over it. Wow, they released it on BluRay. Big deal. Many people already owned it. So again, it was more material released again, for the sake of releasing material that had already been released before, REGARDLESS if QPL or someone else released it. I don't care if they didn't own it to begin with. That really doesn't matter. AGAIN, the fact of the matter is that it was ALREADY RELEASED NUMEROUS TIMES. |
Micrówave 22.12.2008 11:12 |
Greg, You bought a Big Country box set? Or was that one of those "gag gifts"? |
Ken8 23.12.2008 01:53 |
So when Queen finally took control of the rights to the Montreal concert, they then decided to release it yet again despite being aware that the concert had already been released three times already, whilst sitting on a vault of archived live material that has never been seen on home video, and looks increasingly like it's officially deemed to never to see the light of day?? Guess who can't get their head around it........Poor Queen, every bad idea over the past few years isn't their fault, you know...... |
Fone Bone 23.12.2008 05:33 |
The boxest bashing by the community seems a bit extreme to me (it's better than Stone Cold Classics), but still it's a shame to recycle the same materiel over and over. Greg, a simple question : is releasing Houston 77 under serious consideration? NOTW Tour offer the best setlist in Queen's history, and showcases songs from what have become Queen most acclaimed records. I know about The Game and Made In Heaven sales figures, but what 3 albums feature in 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die ? Queen II Sheer Heart Attack A Night At The Opera |
The Fairy King 23.12.2008 05:46 |
MusicManDeaconJohn 01.04.2009 12:15 |
hi greg, beside all this crap about fans who loved the box and those who didn't, what about the very important thing? WILL YOU RELEASE THE 2ND VOLUME OR NOT? AND WHEN????? |
paulosham 01.04.2009 18:10 |
My problem with releases such as the singles box set is that while they are released to a general audience they do really only appeal to a select audience of generally hardcore fans and as we all know hardcore fans are hard to please. I feel that if you already have 10 copies of said singles and you are a bit of a completist then you should get some extra bang for your buck. I know nobody forces us to buy these boxsets but you see my point. |
Battler 10.04.2009 13:28 |
Ken8 wrote: So when Queen finally took control of the rights to the Montreal concert, they then decided to release it yet again despite being aware that the concert had already been released three times already, whilst sitting on a vault of archived live material that has never been seen on home video, and looks increasingly like it's officially deemed to never to see the light of day?? Guess who can't get their head around it........Poor Queen, every bad idea over the past few years isn't their fault, you know...... Maybe because the first three releases were exclusive to North America, and the 2007 release was released world-wide. In my country (Slovenia, Central Europe), the Montral concert was NOT available, in any forum, until the 2007 release. And this is, because the first three releases were from a company, which didn't care to release them out-side North America. Also, the 2007 release was also the first release of the concert as an Audio CD album, so again a valid reason for releasing it. :) |
GT 14.04.2009 11:49 |
WILL YOU RELEASE THE 2ND VOLUME OR NOT? AND WHEN????? Yes Mr Deacon.....Volume 2 of the Queen Singles Collection Box Set will be released and is ready for a release date imminently. |
MusicManDeaconJohn 21.04.2009 05:40 |
WILL YOU RELEASE THE 2ND VOLUME OR NOT? AND WHEN????? Yes Mr Deacon.....Volume 2 of the Queen Singles Collection Box Set will be released and is ready for a release date imminently. OOOh great, at last, some news... Personally I'm among those fans who loved the box, so now I'm only waiting to see the cover of the second one and trying to imagine its basic colour! Maybe silver-gray (referring to "The Game") or red (Hot Space). Who knows... |
Bigfish 22.04.2009 06:44 |
You must be Greg Brooks right ? Sorry to ask you boring stuff that you've answered many times before but do you of any live archive stuff that's in the pipeline for release. I'd really like to see or hear; Deluxe Live Killers - Included songs edited out from the Jazz tour (If you can't beat em, Somebody, etc.) Live in Houston 77 - I am aware that there might be publishing rights issues with this recording but from what I've seen and heard on Youtube the quality of sound and vision recording is quite good. Live at the Rainbow 74 - I saw it at the Cinema years ago. Excellent performance, vision and sound. Surprised it's not been released already. I presume more publishing rights issues. Be grateful for any feedback, Gracias Hombre. |
lalaalalaa 22.04.2009 08:00 |
Bigfish wrote: You must be Greg Brooks right ? Sorry to ask you boring stuff that you've answered many times before but do you of any live archive stuff that's in the pipeline for release. I'd really like to see or hear; Deluxe Live Killers - Included songs edited out from the Jazz tour (If you can't beat em, Somebody, etc.) Live in Houston 77 - I am aware that there might be publishing rights issues with this recording but from what I've seen and heard on Youtube the quality of sound and vision recording is quite good. Live at the Rainbow 74 - I saw it at the Cinema years ago. Excellent performance, vision and sound. Surprised it's not been released already. I presume more publishing rights issues. Be grateful for any feedback, Gracias Hombre. Might want to add Live at the Hammersmith Odeon 1975. Great picture and sound as well. Live at the Rainbow was technically released, but on VHS in a box set, so I'm sure they'll have a DVD of that coming soon. |