Hi Armando, i don't know if this will be much of a help but i bought a Live Killers t-shirt thru amazon.com from rockwearsusa.com , perhaps if you contact them they will be able to you what the font is.
I'm also looking for the Live Killers font; it also features on the single cover for Crazy Little Thing.
Umbra and Umbles are very close (if you italic them), but they are actually the font used on the News of the World album cover, which is very similar but the Q is round as opposed to oval, and there are a few other dissimilarities.
The search continues for the Live Killers font. . . .
WEBBY wrote:
Umbra and Umbles are very close (if you italic them), but they are actually the font used on the News of the World album cover, which is very similar but the Q is round as opposed to oval, and there are a few other dissimilarities.
To sum up...Umbra is not the LK font.
Any news on the toilet habits of bears?
Some years ago there was a website where you could download all the fonts used for the Queen-covers, and use them in Word etc. The site might still exist.
Here you can download almost all the Queen fonts, except some like Day At The Races, Live Killers and CLTCL. link
To download, click in the "DESCARGAR" image.