As you probably noticed, the HTML element BR (line break) gets appended to the link, which makes the link look ugly and not usable.
A nice example of this behaviour is my first thread from today : link .
When I was doing my second thread, I have added a few blank spaces after each link and AFTER THAT pressed the ENTER key, and the result looks like this : link - fully functional links.
And please, don't edit the first post of your thread because the title will disappear [img=/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif][/img]
The changes are neverending (and always worsen the current state). Something has obviously happened to the top menu because it doesn't work in Google Chrome anymore. (And it WAS working yesterday).
Mr. Scully wrote:
The changes are neverending (and always worsen the current state). Something has obviously happened to the top menu because it doesn't work in Google Chrome anymore. (And it WAS working yesterday).