So, lately I've been watching this television talkshow called "the Doctors" which is an hour long program where 4 doctors talk about major medical issues. I'm very skeptical about this show and I'm always questioning whether they're real doctors or judging how phoney they sound when they "argue" and so on. But this morning's episode had a segment about how oral sex causes cancer, or HPV. And they weren't even really specific about how it's caused either, or what exactly about (physically btw) oral sex can trigger it. I mean, they could've just said "if you have multiple partners and one of them is infected you could be at risk". But no, it was all shrouded in mystery and I was left with burning questions that I've wanted answered since this morning.
I'm going to make a doctor's appt. soon and get real answers, but I just wanted to see what you lot have to say.
Zebonka12 wrote:
I must've missed the terrible news part.
Honestly, is there anything that doesn't cause cancer?
I know. I used to get really annoyed with all of that hoopla: certain fruits, balloon animals, etc. But I've gotten over it and I just eat anything without giving a fuck.
Ravie wrote:
So, lately I've been watching this television talkshow called "the Doctors" which is an hour long program where 4 doctors talk about major medical issues. I'm very skeptical about this show and I'm always questioning whether they're real doctors or judging how phoney they sound when they "argue" and so on. But this morning's episode had a segment about how oral sex causes cancer, or HPV. And they weren't even really specific about how it's caused either, or what exactly about (physically btw) oral sex can trigger it. I mean, they could've just said "if you have multiple partners and one of them is infected you could be at risk". But no, it was all shrouded in mystery and I was left with burning questions that I've wanted answered since this morning.
I'm going to make a doctor's appt. soon and get real answers, but I just wanted to see what you lot have to say.
I can't seem to post the link to this article without it including my signature at the bottom of the page. The addy for the article actually ends after the "html" there is no /> in it.
Micrówave wrote:
Patient: Ravie
Condition: 10/31 Worried you can get cancer giving blow jobs.
Update: 11/09 Ready to give blow jobs again
Case closed
Ha ha ha! I never said I was worried about it, I was only curious as to what about oral sex can give it; as I mentioned, I'm very skeptical about the show so I decided to see what QueenZone thought about it.
If you really want to know exactly how it's transmitted, odds of contracting, racial breakdown, I mean the details and stuff, you should probably ask Adolfo.
Of course, if you want to know why you SHOULD give them, meet Jake. His Mom should have.