Only one word: UNBELIEVABLE!!
I went to this concert with my cousin, who doesn't know Queen so much (except some of their gigahits), but I think she really enjoyed the concert. We arrived there in 19:30 and moved to the middle part of the arena. We waited, and about 20:13 the lights went down, and the intro music started. I really waited for the starting song, I never heared Hammer To Fall as a starting song. The band kicked off the concert very fast, and very energetic. I hope I will be able to run up and down like this while I'm sixty! They played the usual stuff, except Tavaszi szél of course, because Budapest + Queen = Tavaszi szél.
Then came the drum solo. My cousin really liked that. She said to me that "That was the highlight of the concert". But for me, the highlight was Brian's guitar solo, Bijou and Last Horizon. Damn if I could play guitar like He did! Paul was in good form, and his vioce could fill up the whole Arena. In the end, everybody's got out-going, and singed and danced. Me, and my cousin singed Radio Ga Ga, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You, All Right Now and We Are The Champions. That was an unbelievable day, and today a dream came true. I never thought that they can overtop their concert in 2005, but they did. They didn't leave frustation behind themselves for me. That was my best day of my life.
The set:
01 Intro (Cosmos Rockin' and Surf's Up ... School's Out!)
02 Hammer To Fall
03 Tie Your Mother Down
04 Fat Bottomed Girls
05 Another One Bites The Dust
06 I Want It All
07 I Want To Break Free
08 C-lebrity
09 Surf's Up ... School's Out!
10 Seagull
11 Tavaszi szél
12 Love Of My Life
13 '39
14 Bass Solo
15 Drum Solo
16 I'm In Love With My Car
17 A Kind Of Magic
18 Say It's Not True
19 Bad Company
20 We Believe
21 Brighton Rock Solo
22 Bijou
23 Last Horizon
24 Radio Ga Ga
25 Crazy Little Thing Called Love
26 The Show Must Go On
27 Bohemian Rhapsody
Encore Break
28 Cosmos Rockin'
29 All Right Now
30 We Will Rock You
31 We Are The Champions
32 God Save The Queen
And there's nothing more to say ... God save the Queen.
Great show in Budapest, much better than in 2005. I was in a 1st row at the end of the catwalk, need I say more...:) It's a pity that more people didn't show up...
Yes, there was a huge promotion everywhere in the city (posters, flyers in the underground etc.) and yet the hall was max. 75% full. That was a real shame, I wonder what Queen + PR thought about that. Even "non-Queen countries" like Switzerland sold much better.
Yes, a pitty the gig wasn't sold out, after all that promotion around the town. But from my seat it seemed the crowd was in better mood than in Berlin or Hamburg. I really enjoyed this one really much. Thank you Hungary!
17s wrote:
Igen, én ezt nagyon jól tudom, de nem tehetek mást, mint hogy ezért vagyok úgy oda, mert én 1986-ban még csak egy erkölcstelen gondolat sem voltam...
I can't get my lips to do this, and I've tried now for the last 3 minutes.