Thank you indeed. My band in my home town. My recording of the show is being shared elsewhere in the forum and I'll happily have any audio/video of the event that surfaces.
Thanks! But Media Player Classic is reporting the video size as 780x576 in properties...??
Is that right? Either way, I sampled a few bits of it this morning before going to work, and despite your position in the audience, it looks REALLY good! Rivals the Worcester video by far :-)
Did you record the whole thing? (PM me if you'd rather discuss it in private)
Oh, and out of slight curiosity, I did a quick calculation to figure out the average video bitrate for this video.
Seems to be approx. 5991Kbit/s, or 5.85Mbit/s, which is still not too bad for the quality here :-)
(I'm assuming your program does VBR encoding as well)
I didn't want to whine about it :) but your videos for the O2 concert were also reduced in size to DVD quality. Still great quality video though but the fact that you have them in HD quality probably makes them incomparable to the source.
I'd be more than happy to help you in converting the video to an HD format, if you need any :)
Just noticed the program im using,power director 7, uses 780x576 as its natural resolution. I will have a look at
tranfering it in its original 1080i format. PD7 is supposed to do it in 1080i, but it keepds crashing on me. The perils of dodgey software![img=/images/smiley/msn/cry_smile.gif][/img]
1. Yes and no, I recorded the full concert on my cam, about 2/3 of it is watchable, the other 1/3 is everything else in the arena except the show. Back of peoples heads, lighting rig etc. Got the same in London.
2. Yes, Did 3 trades the other day, thats 5 altogether in the last 5 years, not a bad average. As for trading this out, im not too sure. It's staying on my shelf until i get an offer i can't refuse.