junketerQ2 16.10.2008 04:26 |
Hello people. Was just wondering if you people genuinely think that Queen Archivist is really the real Greg Brooks or not! I have seen some topics & postings by him in the past & find myself suspicious of whether he is the real deal or a hoaxer. Can anyone confirm if he is Greg? Some weeks ago Queen Archivist (aka Greg Brooks?) posted requesting help for Queen chart positions from around the world. Now, I thought I would be helpful & obtain the New Zealand chart information for him, which I dully did. I have since sent him a private message through this site asking if he wants it & where to send it. That was 3 weeks ago - still no response! Okay, he might be away on holiday or something, but I don't think so. Anyone know how to contact the real Greg Brooks? |
inu-liger 16.10.2008 04:41 |
I can vouch for Queen Archivist - he IS indeed Greg Brooks. I've even spoken to him on the phone a few times in the past. |
The Fake Greg Brooks 16.10.2008 11:41 |
Yeah, I got it. But I've decided to take the credit for it. I've got a Queen back-scratcher I can send you, but this rash has stayed a little longer than I'd thought. I'll get it out to you when I'm done with it. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE AUTHORITY AND AUTHENTICITY OF THE QUEEN ARCHIVIST. Regards, G "Slappy" B @ INU-LUGER You can't proove that was me. Lots of people breath heavily that way. |
Penetration_Guru 16.10.2008 15:41 |
Sensible Answer Yes, he's the real archivist, but he may not notice that he has a PM. I'm fairly sure he's mentioned an email address previously - if you can't track it down (look in the threads about the I Want It All book), suggest going via Jen on Brian's site. |
timantt1 16.10.2008 16:04 |
I've lost my believe on Greg Brooks long time ago Queen is releasing worthless bullshit over and over again, and nothing that that real fans wants Of course, Brooks have heard all the rarities, so he does not care if other people get's to hear them So he's propably just a part of ugly machine that tries to sell us worthless stuff over and over again |
inu-liger 16.10.2008 18:55 |
timantt1 wrote: I've lost my believe on Greg Brooks long time ago Queen is releasing worthless bullshit over and over again, and nothing that that real fans wants Of course, Brooks have heard all the rarities, so he does not care if other people get's to hear them So he's propably just a part of ugly machine that tries to sell us worthless stuff over and over again Don't forget though, he only works as a freelancer, so he is NOT employed by QPL, contrary to popular belief. What *he* thinks and what QPL thinks should be released (boxsets and all) are different things, unfortunately. Greg HAS tried to push for a rarities boxset, but recently indicated that QPL basically rejected it, seemingly in favour of the Singles Box Set.....which is rather unfortunate :-( |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 17.10.2008 02:37 |
I can tell you are a newbie without even looking at how many posts you have made |
junketerQ2 18.10.2008 04:18 |
Who are you referring to Adolfo? If me then you are definitely mistaken - I'm no newbie, I just don't post alot! |
Winter Land Man 19.10.2008 03:46 |
Greg Brooks is real. I caught him smooching with my Grandma last night. [img=/images/smiley/msn/whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif][/img] |
Queen Archivist 30.10.2008 20:34 |
timantt1 wrote: I've lost my believe on Greg Brooks long time ago Queen is releasing worthless bullshit over and over again, and nothing that that real fans wants Of course, Brooks have heard all the rarities, so he does not care if other people get's to hear them So he's propably just a part of ugly machine that tries to sell us worthless stuff over and over againHey Tit Ant1, I lost my belief in me too, a long time ago. My belief is now not here. It's gone and nobody knows where it has gone. Yes, I have heard all the rarities. This much I do believe. I believe, just like you say, you clever clever beast, that I am part of an ugly machine that does ugly worthless things. It's a good job I am ugly and worthless because... errr... well I'm not sure why, but never mind that because I'm only following your lead and talking total shite. I am not a number, I am a machine! |
Queen Archivist 30.10.2008 20:43 |
Hello people. Was just wondering if you people genuinely think that Queen Archivist is really the real Greg Brooks or not! QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: No. You are right, I am NOT me. Well done. You are very clever indeed. How did you spot that? I didn't. I have seen some topics & postings by him in the past & find myself suspicious of whether he is the real deal or a hoaxer. QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: I am suspicious too. It's all lies and conspiracy. I am NOT me, no matter what I say. Do not be convinced otherwise. Whatever I say I cannot believe myself, so why should you? Can anyone confirm if he is Greg? QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: No. I cannot confirm anything. Sorry chum. Some weeks ago Queen Archivist (aka Greg Brooks?) posted requesting help for Queen chart positions from around the world. QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: No way! Are you sure? What a bastard! What a thing to do. Now, I thought I would be helpful & obtain the New Zealand chart information for him, which I dully did. I have since sent him a private message through this site asking if he wants it & where to send it. That was 3 weeks ago - still no response! QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: Be fair... chart positions in New Zealand is a very boring topic. Come on... you have to see that... if I was the real Greg Brooks I too might be bored totally shitless by it and not be in a great rush to reply. But.... also.... maybe the geyser has been working on stuff and has had no time to reply to anything other than the most pressing email. Did you think of that you young wasp troubler? Okay, he might be away on holiday or something, but I don't think so. QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: Yes. Exactly. So why start a pointless thread like this, you little tinker? Anyone know how to contact the real Greg Brooks? QUEEN ARCHIVIST GREG BROOKS REPLIES: Yes. I do. |
Lester Burnham 30.10.2008 20:53 |
I am the Queen Archivist. |
AmeriQueen 31.10.2008 03:22 |
The Queen archivist. Lol! All I can tell you is that he's slow and not the best choice. I'd be done already because I would spend my free time doing such a project at no cost, and would have already put in no less than 40 hours a week over the last 8 years that I have heard of him and the anthology archives, which would mean 40 x 50(2 weeks spared as off-time, and then multiply that by 8 and you get half a year per album with a half year bonus which is plenty of time to handle it. I'd be thorough and give every single recorded available tape no less than a mandatory 5 listenings to start off with, narrowing down the selection to multiple options to present that I feel offer the best and/or most unique versions of everything they have ever put down and saved that didn't make an album. My goal would be to deconstruct every creative recording historical to Queen that can show a creative impulse however unique or comparatively engaging. The edit from my thoroughness would be for Brian and Roger to decide what they feel should be shared, not any personal bias other than my notes of personal taste and preference. Considering that the whole time has been spent by years and years of triple digit or thereabout numbers of repetitive listening without any fatigue beyond at most a 9 months(give or take) break from an album or track, and also that when I come back each time I am replenished with 'sonic lust' for 99% of their entire catalogue, I would say that my dedication would not waver. The lovely thing has been the internet and it's growth, leaking out what material is bootleg offered by the anonymous leak sharing people who I deeply love for their generosity. I could care less about a packaging of the same material which Queen has gluttonously rehashed throughout the 8 years, and is ongoing today. A singles box set means nada to me, but something like the time I first came across the Queen Polar Bear demo hits me harder than anything like it since my childhood Xmas and Birthday gifts received, and only the absolute treasures from my youth ignite such excitement. I do know that Adam Ant did it right with his album reissues that contained a virtually equal amount of demo reviewing be it album songs or unreleased material, and I always enjoy them with an occasional moment of sad contemplation of just what joy that has been compared to just one album's worth of Queen history given down to my hungry ears that could be nothing less than tear-making bliss. I wish Brooks would either make progress known to us or be replaced or at least give an explanation to us all. Not to be so melodramatic, but can you imagine in 8 years the likely number of sad passings of late Queen fanatics who missed out on living long enough to hear what I will haunt Brooks 24-7 for slacking on if I don't make it long enough to hear these songs???? I'm 34 and feel confident logically, but then this slow creeping of non-progress doesn't promote much confidence that I will get satisfaction in my 30's. Lord oh lord what it would be to hear Queen II's demos like the Prophet's Song versions early on Mr. Brooks mentioned, and how that glorious song must be like in it's Queen II days of development. |
A Word In Your Ear 31.10.2008 18:47 |
The real Greg Brooks is the "Property of Queen Productions" ;-) Lol!!!! |
cmsdrums 01.11.2008 06:07 |
With our own private collections built up over many years of buying, trading, swapping etc.., aren't we all queen archivists in our own way?!? [img=/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif][/img] |