scottmax 09.10.2008 07:11 |
After countless plays of the new album, and thinking that Pauls voice sounds great on tracks like I Believe, Surfs Up.... and more, Does anyone think it sounds terrible on the chorus of Thru the Night and parts of Time to Shine? I hate being critical cos i think there's too many people knocking him, but sometimes its painful |
RoyalCarlito 10.10.2008 10:07 |
Yes, I agree. The first two choruses in TTS do sound off key compared with the third chorus which sounds spot on. I don't know why this is. Incidentally, the TTN chorus is the only part of the album that really makes me cringe (naff lyrics also). Shame that, because the verse is really quite good. |
L-R-TIGER1994 10.10.2008 11:01 |
But sounds like SHIT on Queen songs!!!. |
john bodega 10.10.2008 14:01 |
Something that disappointed me about the album was that his voice was only put to good use on two songs, and those were ones we had before the album was even out. I find that he has good moments throughout the album, but the only consistently good effort (at least, to my mind) is during Say It's Not True and C-Lebrity. I'm not crazy about the songs themselves but that's where I think the best performances can be heard on the album. |
The Rik 10.10.2008 15:54 |
It has been said over and over, Paul is a good singer, but can never create something that will Roger and Brian will bring back close to the original. Paul is a blues singer, meaning that he uses only a restricted range of his voice. Also the reason why he is acting at this level for so long. For Queen other singers like George Michael or Mika or Robbie Williams were no option, because then it would have been GM + Queen, Mika + Queen, RW + Queen. And our guyse are, perfectly right by the way, not made to play second violin.... And the album is a disaster. If you're in the bussiness for more than 40 years, you do have to come up with something better. Any 18-year old could have done a better job, over all. |
April 10.10.2008 16:49 |
Paul's voice is great! I like it. |
scottmax 11.10.2008 06:03 |
After going to the Nottingham gig last night, i hate to say it but, Paul really isn't suited to Queen. Numerous forgetting of words, no interaction, apart from when singing his own songs, i just find it so frustrating |
ITSM 11.10.2008 06:20 |
At first I thought he did too much out of his voice, because he wasn't Freddie. But he's growing on me, but can't say he's just great... Yeah yeah yeah... I'm hung over and I'm on work on a Saturday...... |
Martin Packer 11.10.2008 08:58 |
I tried to photo the words on the autocue - only there during Queen songs and The Cosmos Rocks. It didn't come out, sadly. Of course on one or two songs WE sand the QUEEN way and he sang his way and it was a bit of a mess. :-( |
littlekillerham 16.11.2008 11:54 |
I think that he's not like freddy to a certian point that it sounds not like he's copying him, but trying to be original,and sing old queen songs. |
earwig 16.11.2008 14:23 |
Now don't think me rude but... The queen fan above is writing on a Queen forum and writes the wrong spelling of Mr Mercury's first name!!! Not that I'm judging of course [img=/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif][/img] |
Brangwen Rocker 16.11.2008 19:03 |
The Rik wrote: It has been said over and over, Paul is a good singer, but can never create something that will Roger and Brian will bring back close to the original. Paul is a blues singer, meaning that he uses only a restricted range of his voice. Also the reason why he is acting at this level for so long. For Queen other singers like George Michael or Mika or Robbie Williams were no option, because then it would have been GM + Queen, Mika + Queen, RW + Queen. And our guyse are, perfectly right by the way, not made to play second violin.... And the album is a disaster. If you're in the bussiness for more than 40 years, you do have to come up with something better. Any 18-year old could have done a better job, over all. For God's sake BM & RT were not looking for "another FM" or get close to the original, that era is gone, dead & buried, why can't people just accept that! RT is quoted as saying if nobody likes the new album,then sod it he does, and quite right too! He doesn't need an official stamp of approval from so called fans. He's too old and too long in the tooth to give a toss, plus another thing a series of sell out shows, proves his point A whole new fanbase is discovering a new Queen, a band with a whole new dynamic, free to try new things, but not free I fear of the burden of the Mercury baggage. |
tjbarrett96 16.11.2008 20:52 |
The Rik wrote:
.... And the album is a disaster. If you're in the bussiness for more than 40 years, you do have to come up with something better. Any 18-year old could have done a better job, over all.
Whoa...I'd like to see "any" 18-year-old even try to record, produce, mix, perform, and promote (there was a little promotion!) an album within the same class as The Cosmos Rocks. |
scottmax 17.11.2008 17:21 |
Getting back onto the subject....... the autocue thing really bothers me as well. After touring with the band for god knows how long last time around, Paul still needs an autocue for well known songs that even a ten year old would know? Like i've said before, i hate moaning cos seeing Brian and Roger live is a dream come true, its just so bloody frustrating sometimes |
yogi 17.11.2008 18:13 |
Paul's voice is ok, but let's face it, if Roger and Brian could have robots of the band made (including Freddie) they would do that Then they would send the robots out on tour And people would fool themselves into thinking that they had seen Queen live |
mike hunt 18.11.2008 01:48 |
yogi wrote: Paul's voice is ok, but let's face it, if Roger and Brian could have robots of the band made (including Freddie) they would do that Then they would send the robots out on tour And people would fool themselves into thinking that they had seen Queen live pauls voice is great, but not ideal for queen. I think people underate how many styles freddie sang, even live. George Michael would have done good for songs like 'somebody to love' and 'killer Queen' but no way would he be good at hard rockers. Paul rodgers is good at the rockers, but can't sing the freddie songs, he even admitted he couldn't pull off 'I'm going slightly mad' Freddie did both, he could sing hard rockers and songs like killer queen and somebody to love. Then fickle fans like 'sir' and other wannabes wonder why he had so many off nights, and need to bring up every bad night he had. |
princetom 18.11.2008 14:55 |
i kind of like 'Thru The Night' (TTN) for giving the Queen-Project a whole new dimension and recovering what 'Mustapha' should have been, for thus the implementation of oriental tone-scapes (maybe i'm complete wrong with that and paul isn't capable of hitting the correct notes... :-D )the same for 'voodoo' (...ähm... V)...paul surely shows them how to sing the blues (and gives a hint what 'lost opportunity' could have been)... otherwise the variation of his voice isn't quite expandable as freddies for sure. that brings boring output as time to shine, simply for two worlds colliding... what annoys me more is the fact that some of the tracks leak of their trademarkable depth (best example is 'we believe' which could have been a wonderful song but is somewhat boring...) all in all they should have used more of their multi-layer choirs... but it's easy to nag... :-D let's not forget that this is a debut-lp. a quite good one. i'm not sure if an album with different guest-singers would have been better for the fan-base... otherwise paul obviously is a good song-writer and gives a lot of input... let's face it: we are bound to hear PR, like it or not, if we want to follow the careers of the brilliant BM & RT... i get used to it. |
Micrówave 18.11.2008 18:05 |
scottmax wrote: Getting back onto the subject....... the autocue thing really bothers me as well. After touring with the band for god knows how long last time around, Paul still needs an autocue for well known songs that even a ten year old would know? Like i've said before, i hate moaning cos seeing Brian and Roger live is a dream come true, its just so bloody frustrating sometimes Ok, let me see if I have this right. Scottmax, a ten year old, can sing songs at Karoake night WITHOUT looking at the lyrics. Bravo. Paul Rodgers is a Platinum selling Singer, Songwriter & Self-taught Multi-instrumentalist, has Written, Recorded, Produced and Released 28 albums since 1968, has sold over 90 million records, has formed and led 3 bands to worldwide success: Free, Bad Company, & The Firm, has a Grammy Nominated Solo Career, Has Recorded/Performed with Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brain May, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Joe Walsh, Slash, Nils Lofgren, Charlie Watts, Bryan Adams, Motown's Sam Moore & The Four Tops and others. Somehow, I'd rather have Paul Rodgers singing the "Ivory" part of Ebony and Ivory with me at Snuffer's this Thursday night during happy hour. |
mike hunt 19.11.2008 04:20 |
Micrówave wrote:scottmax wrote: Getting back onto the subject....... the autocue thing really bothers me as well. After touring with the band for god knows how long last time around, Paul still needs an autocue for well known songs that even a ten year old would know? Like i've said before, i hate moaning cos seeing Brian and Roger live is a dream come true, its just so bloody frustrating sometimesOk, let me see if I have this right. Scottmax, a ten year old, can sing songs at Karoake night WITHOUT looking at the lyrics. Bravo. Paul Rodgers is a Platinum selling Singer, Songwriter & Self-taught Multi-instrumentalist, has Written, Recorded, Produced and Released 28 albums since 1968, has sold over 90 million records, has formed and led 3 bands to worldwide success: Free, Bad Company, & The Firm, has a Grammy Nominated Solo Career, Has Recorded/Performed with Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brain May, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Joe Walsh, Slash, Nils Lofgren, Charlie Watts, Bryan Adams, Motown's Sam Moore & The Four Tops and others. Somehow, I'd rather have Paul Rodgers singing the "Ivory" part of Ebony and Ivory with me at Snuffer's this Thursday night during happy hour. I think most of the paul haters are very young kids who have plenty to learn. It's hard to argue with 15 year olds about music, Paul rodgers is not an all time favorite of mine, but I have to say he's in the top 15 of the best male rock singers ever. |
Kind of Magician 19.11.2008 14:08 |
I'm 16 and PR is in my top 5!!! 4th if you want to be exact... |
Raf 19.11.2008 14:55 |
mike hunt wrote:Micrówave wrote:I think most of the paul haters are very young kids who have plenty to learn. It's hard to argue with 15 year olds about music, Paul rodgers is not an all time favorite of mine, but I have to say he's in the top 15 of the best male rock singers ever.scottmax wrote: Getting back onto the subject....... the autocue thing really bothers me as well. After touring with the band for god knows how long last time around, Paul still needs an autocue for well known songs that even a ten year old would know? Like i've said before, i hate moaning cos seeing Brian and Roger live is a dream come true, its just so bloody frustrating sometimesOk, let me see if I have this right. Scottmax, a ten year old, can sing songs at Karoake night WITHOUT looking at the lyrics. Bravo. Paul Rodgers is a Platinum selling Singer, Songwriter & Self-taught Multi-instrumentalist, has Written, Recorded, Produced and Released 28 albums since 1968, has sold over 90 million records, has formed and led 3 bands to worldwide success: Free, Bad Company, & The Firm, has a Grammy Nominated Solo Career, Has Recorded/Performed with Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brain May, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Joe Walsh, Slash, Nils Lofgren, Charlie Watts, Bryan Adams, Motown's Sam Moore & The Four Tops and others. Somehow, I'd rather have Paul Rodgers singing the "Ivory" part of Ebony and Ivory with me at Snuffer's this Thursday night during happy hour. I think you're wrong, with all respect. I haven't really paid much attention to the whole "Freddie vs Paul" thing here on Queenzone because there are way too many people, too many topics etc. But on a smaller Brazilian forum, where it's easier to keep track of everything, we usually have some older people (from Freddie's days) moaning, and a small group of youngsters (between 15 and 21 years old) fighting back by saying that Paul is a very good singer (and that being different from Freddie is a quality), that many bands have gone through chances, and especially, that this is the only chance that we've had to see Queen live, considering Freddie was dying when we were born. I assume it's easier for younger people to accept Queen as it is than it is for older people. Older people have seen Queen with the very same line up for some 2 decades, bought several albums with the same line up, some saw them live several times, with the same line up... The new generation of fans, on the other hand, has gotten used with seeing "Queen" performances as Brian and Roger playing one or two songs on some charity gig for HIV infected people. Until 2004, for us, Queen was only a couple of guys playing in memory of their dead singer, and we thought we'd never have the chance to see them live. Now we got this chance, and we don't wanna miss it. And Queen isn't the only one... When we were born, not only Freddie was dying, but AC/DC had been with a new singer for about a decade, Pink Floyd had been touring without two founding members, Led Zeppelin would play only once now and then with Bonham's son, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple had already gone through hell knows how many different line ups... For us, it's not abnormal to see a classic band touring with some new faces, we don't find it weird. The unusual thing for us is when we actually see an old band touring with all original members!!! But, of course, there are exceptions. There are many people who have even seen Queen live with Freddie back in the 70s and nowadays are enjoying the new collaboration, and some young people who insist that Queen was Freddie. What I wrote is just my small theory based on the stuff I read on discussions on that Brazilian forum I previously mentioned. |
April 19.11.2008 15:42 |
That is absolutely true. |
mike hunt 21.11.2008 08:48 |
Raf wrote:mike hunt wrote:I think you're wrong, with all respect. I haven't really paid much attention to the whole "Freddie vs Paul" thing here on Queenzone because there are way too many people, too many topics etc. But on a smaller Brazilian forum, where it's easier to keep track of everything, we usually have some older people (from Freddie's days) moaning, and a small group of youngsters (between 15 and 21 years old) fighting back by saying that Paul is a very good singer (and that being different from Freddie is a quality), that many bands have gone through chances, and especially, that this is the only chance that we've had to see Queen live, considering Freddie was dying when we were born. I assume it's easier for younger people to accept Queen as it is than it is for older people. Older people have seen Queen with the very same line up for some 2 decades, bought several albums with the same line up, some saw them live several times, with the same line up... The new generation of fans, on the other hand, has gotten used with seeing "Queen" performances as Brian and Roger playing one or two songs on some charity gig for HIV infected people. Until 2004, for us, Queen was only a couple of guys playing in memory of their dead singer, and we thought we'd never have the chance to see them live. Now we got this chance, and we don't wanna miss it. And Queen isn't the only one... When we were born, not only Freddie was dying, but AC/DC had been with a new singer for about a decade, Pink Floyd had been touring without two founding members, Led Zeppelin would play only once now and then with Bonham's son, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple had already gone through hell knows how many different line ups... For us, it's not abnormal to see a classic band touring with some new faces, we don't find it weird. The unusual thing for us is when we actually see an old band touring with all original members!!! But, of course, there are exceptions. There are many people who have even seen Queen live with Freddie back in the 70s and nowadays are enjoying the new collaboration, and some young people who insist that Queen was Freddie. What I wrote is just my small theory based on the stuff I read on discussions on that Brazilian forum I previously mentioned.Micrówave wrote:I think most of the paul haters are very young kids who have plenty to learn. It's hard to argue with 15 year olds about music, Paul rodgers is not an all time favorite of mine, but I have to say he's in the top 15 of the best male rock singers ever.scottmax wrote: Getting back onto the subject....... the autocue thing really bothers me as well. After touring with the band for god knows how long last time around, Paul still needs an autocue for well known songs that even a ten year old would know? Like i've said before, i hate moaning cos seeing Brian and Roger live is a dream come true, its just so bloody frustrating sometimesOk, let me see if I have this right. Scottmax, a ten year old, can sing songs at Karoake night WITHOUT looking at the lyrics. Bravo. Paul Rodgers is a Platinum selling Singer, Songwriter & Self-taught Multi-instrumentalist, has Written, Recorded, Produced and Released 28 albums since 1968, has sold over 90 million records, has formed and led 3 bands to worldwide success: Free, Bad Company, & The Firm, has a Grammy Nominated Solo Career, Has Recorded/Performed with Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brain May, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Joe Walsh, Slash, Nils Lofgren, Charlie Watts, Bryan Adams, Motown's Sam Moore & The Four Tops and others. Somehow, I'd rather have Paul Rodgers singing the "Ivory" part of Ebony and Ivory with me at Snuffer's this Thursday night during happy hour. Maybe your right about that, but if you think paul's voice sounds bad on songs like 'small; and 'some things that glittler' you don't have ears. This is coming from a guy who isn't a very big paul fan, and freddie's #1 fan. |
scottmax 21.11.2008 17:54 |
Raf, who was that last point aimed at? |
Ken8 29.11.2008 01:39 |
"For God's sake BM & RT were not looking for "another FM" or get close to the original, that era is gone, dead & buried, why can't people just accept that!" Nobody in their right mind will accept it as long as "Queen" rely on their back catalogue. They have to. How many concertgoers are attending to hear average material from TCR? They want to hear the classics. |
Ken8 29.11.2008 01:41 |
"And people would fool themselves into thinking that they had seen Queen live " They're doing that now. |
Ken8 29.11.2008 01:50 |
"Paul Rodgers is a Platinum selling Singer, Songwriter & Self-taught Multi-instrumentalist, has Written, Recorded, Produced and Released 28 albums since 1968, has sold over 90 million records, has formed and led 3 bands to worldwide success: Free, Bad Company, & The Firm, has a Grammy Nominated Solo Career, Has Recorded/Performed with Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Brain May, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Joe Walsh, Slash, Nils Lofgren, Charlie Watts, Bryan Adams, Motown's Sam Moore & The Four Tops and others. Somehow, I'd rather have Paul Rodgers singing the "Ivory" part of Ebony and Ivory with me at Snuffer's this Thursday night during happy hour." So what? Nobody is denying Rodgers' musical pedigree, the man is a legend. How does that equation make him a good fit for Queen? So if Roger Taylor drops dead, I suppose you could make a case for Zac Starkey or Taylor Hawkins to join "Queen" using your logic. And if "Ebony & Ivory" really is on your playlist, you should shut the hell up about rock music. |
Ken8 29.11.2008 01:57 |
"I think most of the paul haters are very young kids who have plenty to learn." Unless those very young kids are aware of Rodgers' unique phrasing, his seemingly reluctance to actually learn the lyrics and his current backing band, "Queen+", having to tune their iconic songs down to Rodgers key. Some "kids" are within their rights to expect more from "Queen" |
Ken8 29.11.2008 02:14 |
"When we were born, not only Freddie was dying, but AC/DC had been with a new singer for about a decade, Pink Floyd had been touring without two founding members," When we were born, Freddie was dying? Huh? Speak for yourself junior. I love the argument of "But other bands have changed line ups" What a joke. You'd have a point if Queen had come up with an album that generated interest like..... "Back In Black" "A Trick Of The Tail" "Momentary Lapse Of Reason" "Face Dances" I could go on, but you get the point. "Cosmos Rocks" is not in that league. What does that tell you? Heck, it's not even in the league of a David Coverdale led Deep Purple album. |
Ken8 29.11.2008 02:25 |
"Something that disappointed me about the album was that his voice was only put to good use on two songs" That's one of the darndest things about TCR I reckon. It's not only Rodgers, there's three rock legends on there who seem to be deliberately DOWNPLAYING their musical strengths and what they're famous for. Unless it's sampled..... Remember the famous quote "When you hear a Queen album, you know it's a Queen album"? Just doesn't apply anymore if TCR is the best they can come up with. And don't give me the puff and spin that the sheep swallow so willingly that this is a "new band" Odd place to be....a new band that nobody gives a shit about their new material. But people will come and see the old stuff played live. I'd give Queen + Paul Rodgers a life expectancy of about 30-40 minutes after the final show of the tour. ...and Zebonka, you better be getting a ticket to The Who! |
Marcos Napier 29.11.2008 11:31 |
Raf spotted it with perfection:
I think most of the paul haters are very young kids who have plenty to learn. It's hard to argue with 15 year olds about music, Paul rodgers is not an all time favorite of mine, but I have to say he's in the top 15 of the best male rock singers ever.No they aren't. As I said in some other post about the same subject, it seems that the audience of QPR is much younger than (what I would have) expected. They might be young and "inexperienced" in music of course to write nice reviews of concerts, but it's not their fault, because of... that many bands have gone through chances, and especially, that this is the only chance that we've had to see Queen live, considering Freddie was dying when we were born.It's like "wow dude, my dad loved this band... it might be good and I can't miss it". Some people here might know Queen only because of a cell phone company TV ad, where AKOM is used. If anyone here remembers, they had another version of the soundtrack in the ad, with an awful edition, skipping randomly (it seems) from a part of the song to another. A few weeks later they corrected it, and the song was more "smooth" if you know what I mean and have noticed it. A lot of songs here of unknown bands became hits like that - just play it in a big company ad and there you go. I assume it's easier for younger people to accept Queen as it is than it is for older people. Older people have seen Queen with the very same line up for some 2 decades, bought several albums with the same line up, some saw them live several times, with the same line up...Liking or not, the comparisons are a strong point in all this, and those who try to deny that can't see the whole point of it. Whomever has anything in his/her memory of the old Queen (having seen it live in 73 or 86, having experienced the success of the band and not just by reading how good they WERE in "cool" magazines) is bound to compare both "versions". It happens with all bands. Or you think Pink Floyd without Waters/Barret wasn't criticized? Or Van Halen? Or Iron Maiden? Or Genesis? Or Sepultura? Or even GNR, to quote a recent example (If you can say 15 years is "recent")? How many of these young rocker kids of today saw these bands in their prime, despite some of these "new" versions being a bit more succesful (in pop charts at least) than its previous (like Genesis)? Until 2004, for us, Queen was only a couple of guys playing in memory of their dead singer, and we thought we'd never have the chance to see them live. Now we got this chance, and we don't wanna miss it. That's absolutely right, except that I don't regret missing it at all. |
Marcos Napier 29.11.2008 11:35 |
And Ken8 spotted it too, more briefly though:
"And people would fool themselves into thinking that they had seen Queen live " They're doing that now. They should use some of that CNN 3-D thing they used in the elections coverage. Would make BoRhap even more authentic. |