Hey, Greg, I found this paragraph on QueenPictureHall.com - Not sure if it's true, just wanted some clarification on the matter:
Queen's initial plan was to release a similar product as the Freddie Mercury box set, released in 2000, but it seems that EMI has decided that no-one will buy the expensive sets. So they will *probably* release the normal albums once again accompanied with some unreleased tracks. The first one is likely to be A Night At The Opera which will be re-released somewhere this year (this has already been confirmed by the fan club - tracks, dates, formats are unknown).
Has this really been confirmed by the official fan club?
What's sad is that the boxset was clearly a go at one point - its even mentioned in the notes for the FM box, and used as an explanation for why certain things were left off the FM box, such as Queen demos of Freddie songs, and Freddie demos which became Queen tracks, such as "Africa by Night" which became "All God's People" I think.