cosmos rocks intro
cosmos rokin
tie your mother down
still burnin
severn seas of rhye/ - till, and with a smile ill take you to the seven seas of rhye! then into-
hammer to fall/ - after mushroom cloud- hammer to fall into-
keep yourself alive/ - two versus into
stone cold crazy
cant get enough
call me
love of my life
bass/drum solo
im in love with my car
say its not true
srufs up schools out
the hero
brian solo/bijou
last horizon
bad company
shooting star
show must go on
wishing well
war boys
crazy little thing
radio gaga
feel like makin love
boh rhap
some things that gliter
we will rock you
we beilve
we are the champions
allright now
god save the Queen
..................................... ok i realise that thats not guna happen, but it would be nice to see that happen. any thoughts?