And don't forget the PR songs...
If they do a concert with just TCR songs, billed as Q+PR, then they can say they are not any of their previous incarnations. Otherwise, they still are.
They still play the hits because they are under the Queen name. They are under the Queen name because they can still sell out major arenas and stadiums. This is a sort of retroactive dive back into Queen, but with supergroup making over.
I accepted the end of Queen in November 1991. All that has happened since is purely bonus, so I personally will take all that comes and only complain about something stupid like remaking a song with a boy band, whoever that was. And of course I continue loudly to complain about the delays for the anthologies.
You're saying that Brian and Roger are not performing as Queen?
And they have not taken the easy way out by sticking to the hits in concerts?
What's really simplistic is to claim that "Queen+Paul Rodgers" is an entirely new band and there's no intention of exploiting the Queen name,
What's really calculating is saying you're a new band to please the fans against continuing as a two man group, and then play nothing more than old classics the four man group was known for.
What I meant was.... New singer.
I have been a hardcore queen fan for years... and im from the states too!Its great to see the band back out on the road. I know its without freddie, but for some of us who were not lucky enough to see them in the 80's its truly a great thing. Paul rodgers annoys me sometimes, i cant stand bad company. However he compliments queen music for some strange reason. Its works, who would you prefer george micheal?
Band has moved on. Yes. Good for them all who like the Q+PR album.
Doesn't mean I have to like it. I think the album is shit. I don't like Queen without Freddie. Get over it.
My question regarding george micheal was a sarcastic one. George micheal is a terrible artist.. anway moving on i think we should all appreciate the fact that roger and brian want to keep playing. Coming from being a musician myself it would be difficult to walk away from an amazing legacy of music.