cmsdrums 19.09.2008 12:59 |
Ok, so I know the album has only just come out, and the tour only just begun, but it would be good to hear what people would like to/think might happen once Bri and Rog go their seperate way from Paul. Paul has openly said that there are no plans after the tour, and he has throughout his solo career been the sort to flit between projects. He has also said that he was scaling his career down before the QPR thing took off. Assuming that there is no new album or tour with Paul after The Cosmos Rocks tour; 1) will Brian and Roger stick together and work with someone else? 2) Will they go their own ways, work on solo stuff, and never reform as 'Queen' for recording or live work? 3) If they do play together but not with Paul, with any of The Cosmos Rocks songs ever be performed with another singer, or will these tracks effectively 'die' when Paul has gone? 4) Will they join John in retirement? There are many more things to ponder than the above, but it's a start! I would truly like them to take stock of their fantastic back catalogue, and rather than recording something that they deem artistically viable, just perform a spectacular gig, or even better series of gigs, with guest vocalists, and perform the best of their catalogue (including non singles). This gig(s) should have the songs performed as true to Freddie's interpretations as possible - no, this wouldn't be Queen karaoke but more a celebration of their work as unequalled recording and live artists over the years, with no shame in dwelling on this at all. If that finally brought the curtain down on Queen as a live act (please don't argue that this happened in 1986!) then it would be a fitting way to stop. Any (serious) comments? |
e-man 19.09.2008 13:17 |
too early to discuss this..let's enjoy this while we can but what the hell; paul is definitely gonna do some solo stuff at some point. whether they continue as qpr after this..who knows..they're not getting younger but paul said in an interview some time ago, that they might write songs together in the future, as opposed to bringin in individual songs...that's a pretty obvious statement I think....who knows personally, I'd love to see another album. TCR exceeded my expectations, so another new album is very welcome :) mye guess is that another album would be even better, if they actually sit down and write it together One thing I don't want though is BM and RT continue with someone else if PR decides to leave the party. for me - all the one offs, both live and studio, during the late 90's and early 2000s - were beginning to taunt the Queen legacy. QPR is a worthy "final chapter" in the Queen book. or at least a worthy footnote, seeing as it's not quite Queen |
timantt1 19.09.2008 13:25 |
They are just too old There will be no post Paul Rodgers Queen Unless, John start to perform with Queen name, since he's the youngest of them of course |
kingogre 19.09.2008 14:08 |
Paul has hinted at a second album in at least one interview a couple of moths ago. |
vadenuez 19.09.2008 14:43 |
Paul will leave the project after the tour. Then John will come back as a guest bassist. They'll call themselves "Queen + John Deacon". |
Major Tom 19.09.2008 16:14 |
(Since serious was written inside parenthesis I made the choise to make this semiserious)I think that if there is another album there will be one more tour, then they call it quits and retire. If there is no more Q+PR: Roger will retire playing a couple of charity gigs now and then. Paul continiues to make music solo or with Bad Company. Brian does another mediocre collaboration like "Starfleet" and tour 'til he drops dead on stage, preferably in the UK. And finally John will still be retried since 98, still sitting on his pile of money, counting them like Scrooge McDuck. |
Mr. Jordy 19.09.2008 17:25 |
Queen + George Michael would be an excellent combination - and perhaps would have been a better choice for Brian and Roger, to begin with. |
MEXICAN_HANDSOME 19.09.2008 18:25 |
Mr. Jordy wrote: Queen + George Michael would be an excellent combination - and perhaps would have been a better choice for Brian and Roger, to begin with.Budgie lead singer, Burke Shelley would have been the best choice possible. |
Treasure Moment 19.09.2008 18:53 |
what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world. |
Cwazy little thing 19.09.2008 20:43 |
If you spend too much time wondering about the future, you might just miss how brilliant the present is. But my thoughts are once QPR is done we might get a career retrospective rarities anthology. Brian might consider another solo project, but I think its more likely they'll both return to their pre-2005 state of occasionaly appearances and no real new output. To be fair to them, thats completely reasonable given their age and the amount of their lives they've spent doing this. Theres a slight chance they'll have caught the rockstar bug again and not want to stop, but I seriously doubt that a gig with Freddie imitation performances is something they would ever want to do (or for that matter, something Id ever want to see). And watching Bri and Rog play along to a Freddie video for an entire show is a sickening, and very sad prospect. |
inu-liger 19.09.2008 22:50 |
Treasure Moment wrote: what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world.TROLL |
Bo Rhap 20.09.2008 03:58 |
Treasure Moment wrote: what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world.NO That would mean Queen would become their own tribute band. |
inu-liger 20.09.2008 04:09 |
Bo Rhap wrote:Exactly :-)Treasure Moment wrote: what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world.NO That would mean Queen would become their own tribute band. No room for new material, improvement or creativity. |
AmeriQueen 25.09.2008 05:21 |
I think it's 50/50 as to whether or not they tour with Paul again, and maybe just a little less that a new album would accompany it. However, assuming he dropped from the act, I would bet the two remaining Queen duo would one gig it here and there, annually hitting the 46664 show. I could see the two of them working together on maybe one duo album, and possibly with some kind of a tour, but I don't see them joining a 3rd vocalist. I think this is probably it for Queen for a couple of years starting 2010. If they feel up to another go, and if PR is willing, another album and tour could certainly occur, but they are heading into their 60's and Brian especially has a ton of things outside of Queen that are happening. I have heard Roger and Brian state that it's unlikely that they would continue their solo careers at this point. I don't feel like they want to write/record as much as tour, but even that might dry up in a year from now after they are done with this latest trek. One more thing that intrigues me is the announced plan for remakes to both Flash Gordon and The Highlander. I wonder if they would update any of the soundtrack, or better yet add to it. |
Micrówave 25.09.2008 12:01 |
I had heard Brian and Roger are going to be on Dancing With The Stars next season, if Paul quits. |
john bodega 25.09.2008 23:10 |
Treasure Moment wrote: what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world.You have no idea what live music is, do you? What possible opportunity do you have to create a unique experience on stage if you've got to line up to some recording from 20+ years ago? I've played to backing tracks before, not because I wanted to but because I couldn't teach certain songs to the guys I was playing with. It *stank*. I would much rather have had some guys on stage making the music with me.... God only knows how much more creative I could've been! Let's go with your idea, TM. Brian, Roger and John go out on tour and play a 2 hour show using entirely Freddie vocals and video - the other guys just play backing music. What you essentially have is nothing new, at all. You'd pull a crowd of maybe 5000 people and they'd ALL BE IN DENIAL. It's like having Queen on a really, really big stereo. Can't you just go watch the Wembley DVD, or whatever it is you watch when you're fluffing yourself? Having Freddie on one or two songs is touching. Touring a whole show like that would be even more embarrassing than that recent Elvis tour...... Now that I've said all of this, I do recommend that your band begin to use backing tracks extensively. Mime your asses off. |
Marcos Napier 25.09.2008 23:47 |
I think it's time to put the beast to sleep. They've tried all sorts of combinations (but TM's suggestion of course - the Queen's Muppet Show), and none worked as it could or should for several reasons. VH1 here just showed a documentary on Freddie (Magic Remixed it's called I think) and in the end there's some footage of Roger saying... "I hope we are keeping your legacy alive, mate!". You are, but the more they keep doing certain things, the faster the legacy goes to the ICU. |
Togg 26.09.2008 08:42 |
My guess it a lot will depend on the success of the album and tour... if around the world it sells then I bet my bottom dollar that in 3 or so years they are back with a new QPR album In the mean time I reckon life will return to normal, Paul will do solo stuff, Brian will continue with his multiple projects, B+R will work on the new stage show and work on the new surround mixes of old albums plus the odd appearance at a gig as a guest Judging from the sales so far I would say we will be seeing another QPR album but not for at least 3 years... |
Brett5150 26.09.2008 22:03 |
Its only early, but I can see them coming back for another album in 2/3 years. They'll finish the tour, and realise what fun they had and how it was a success. I'm loving the album, and glad that Paul is with them. I have no worries in what direction they're taking. |
Dan C. 27.09.2008 01:34 |
I doubt they'll do much of anything without Paul in the future. |
L-R-TIGER1994 27.09.2008 02:02 |
I would be Queen+PR+....?the signs + are starting to worry me. |
GonnaUseMyPrisoners 29.09.2008 22:38 |
No one has ruled out a second album... isn't this discussion a BIT premature? Can no one simply be grateful we got a new studio recording of songs we'll no doubt treasure for as long as any Queen album? Hey, I know... let's listen to the new CD, from start to finish, as the band intended, revel in the amazing artistry that permeates every song, smile and be glad that the band cares enough to send us what is truly a gift of classic music. |
bhm0129ad 06.10.2008 16:27 |
Amazing how some of you seem to say with such conviction what YOU think WILL happen. As if you have the inside word on it or something. Paul Rodgers will certainly continue his solo work, with or without Queen in the background, and HE has even said he may consider re-forming either Free or Bad Company ( can't remember which) after an already planned reunion gig. It would be interesting to see what happens to TCR when ( not if ) PR stops working with Q, I would LIKE to see an album of new songs by B + R fronted by great singers ( famous or not) who 'get' the Queen 'thing', but not, as earlier suggested, to try to emulate Freddie as that is just sick. No, A new album of New material suited to each singer's style/capabilities. They may be getting old, but TCR and the live shows are proof enough to me that they still have what it takes. I would hope, anyway, that PR continues to work with Queen for at least another album. BTW, whilst George Michael IS a fine choice of singer for ,say, a TRIBUTE to Fred, like the 5alive thing from the tribute concert, having him as the frontman a la PR really would be too much like trying to REPLACE Fred as George WANTS to be Freddie, and always has done. |
Micrówave 06.10.2008 16:36 |
Our Treasured Moment wrote: what i would love for them to do is to tour with John as just QUEEN and have footage of freddie for all the songs and tour the world. This is quite similar to what I would like for them to do. But instead, I would like all 3 on stage and bring up R2-D2 to project a small hologram (maybe 8-10 inches tall) of Freddie singing Bohemian Rhapsody and then hiding the plans to the Death Star. The message repeats over and over until John, Brian, and Roger get flustered and storm off the stage. (to Stormtroopers In Stilettos, of course). Next, Obi Paul Rodgers comes out and successfully plays back the entire message in full that contains a vital part at the end giving Paul his blessing to continue singing his songs and learn the ways of the force. |
danwhite89 07.10.2008 01:49 |
See, the way The Cosmos Rocks sounded, it doesn't sound like they're ready to stop things yet. I can definately see another album coming out. That could be it after that, though. |
kingogre 07.10.2008 03:04 |
Theyre not going to do anything without Paul. Except maybe another musical. If they do record new material it will be with him. Paul has already hinted that another record might be happening. |
Tero 07.10.2008 03:43 |
So the only question remains... Do we want them to release another album? Has the collaboration with Paul brought about such great material that it's worth putting all the archive releases on an indefinite hold? I think not. |
kingogre 07.10.2008 10:49 |
Im sure there is no indefinite hold as they are approaching that age where they really wont be able to do what they are doing now. Personally I want them to be active musicians for as long as they can. I certainly dont want them to release the box sets as soon as possible and never have them doing anything again. Them being in the spotlight probably increases the possibility of archive releases as DVDs though, as it keeps them from fading from the public consciousness. |
Tero 07.10.2008 11:14 |
That "indefinite hold" I mentioned in this case is exactly the same misconception you're propagating. There's nothing that says an anthology release has to be the last thing a band releases (let alone any of its members release), and no one would have been offended if every other year we got a solo album like the Cosmos Rocks and every other year a Queen archive release. Being an active musician and releasing the archives are not mutually exclusive, and being in the spotlight doesn't in Queen's case mean the potential of good releases increases. (Just take a look at things seasons offering!) The "bookend-theory" is nothing more than a lame excuse to silence the justified questions why the fifteen years of archive research has brought us nothing more than a handful of re-releases. |
Saif 07.10.2008 11:30 |
There's always room for Queen + Mika... |
Marcos Napier 07.10.2008 12:01 |
There's nothing that says an anthology release has to be the last thing a band releases (let alone any of its members release),Some bands release as much "anthologies" as actual albums... while still being "on the road" (to nowhere, though...). Being an active musician and releasing the archives are not mutually exclusive, and being in the spotlight doesn't in Queen's case mean the potential of good releases increases. (Just take a look at things seasons offering!) The problem is when they release the "definitive" (until when?) anthology they would have to stop (for a while at least) with these greatest hits and compilations... there goes their Xmas bonus. |
kingogre 07.10.2008 15:26 |
Theyve said numerous times that the anthologies are bookends-project as far as they are concerned. Ill leave it to their judgement to do what they want with their careers and the things they have written and recorded. Maybe what is in the archives isnt good enough in the end though, I think we all have to remember that. Ill rather have something they think is good enough today than something they didnt even care about finishing 20 years ago. And those outtakes we have got to hear sounds like a load of crap to my ears. In 10 years Im pretty sure everything will have been released though. |