Fack me!
Thats a pretty poorly performing first single from the album.
I wonder will they bother releasing any more singles after that! They should probably just focus on the live tour and merchandising sales.
I guess they wanted a rocker for the 1st single. Personally I think Call Me has number one hit potential, Through The Night and Small could be great hits and I also think Still Burnin is just as single-worthy as C-lebrity.
Hits and top 40 lists are so last century though.
Actually it is the SECOND single as "Say It's Not True" was the first. "C-lebrity" is the second...it's doing VERY well not only compared to the first single but especially since it also does not have a short promotional film (music video). Anytime EMI and Hollywood Records wish to promote it would be good.
Surprisingly good actually considering circumstances and the fact that to my opinion this isnt really the greatest sóng theyve ever done. It probably means that it has sold outside of the hardcore fanbase aswell. Bodes well for more promoted singles later.
"Still Burnin'" might have been a better choice, but it wouldn't get any airplay where I am - it's all been the new AC/DC single. How many rock songs in A can you really have on the same hit parade?
Hey that's not bad considering very little promotion but fear not i think it will climb up a bit as the tour progresses especially uk dates, it will add momentum to it.
People! C-lebrity is great, I've heard it live today!!! I've heard it for the first time and I liked it right away, no need to grow on me. That's a hit, sure! Fantastic!
Like davidbrendam, I don't think that's that bad. I tried to get the single in the shops but it was nowhere to be seen, so I think they lost out there...Cliff kept cropping up everywhere though.
Number 33??very fucking poor for a band(the former band Queen used to numbers 1)who's first on this chart,I'm sure some super stars like Pink,Cristina Aguilera or Ricky Martin right?
Queen were certainly not used to number 1 singles in the UK. If I'm not mistaken all they had here was Bo Rap, Pressure, Innuendo and BoRap/Days of our lives and that was on the back of Freddies death. So perhaps were you are from but not in the UK
AlexRocks wrote: Actually it is the SECOND single as "Say It's Not True" was the first.
Well, actually C-lebrity is the FIRST single off the album. SINT wasn't released to promote the album sales, but was a totally separate thing. It just happens that they included SINT on the album as well.
Queen have done the same thing earlier as well. Songs like One Vision and Under Pressure were released as sigles, and only later thrse songs were included on their respective albums.
I think C-lebrity is 33 only because everybody is kind of hesitant and tentative, a bit at a loss how to treat the new band. Even you,Queen fans, are. Though you are supposed to embrace the reemergence of Queen, but everybody poses questions like, Is it Queen? What's Paul doing there? Is he really good? And so on.
Actually the song is very good, but certainly it should be promoted more. For example, it's not played in Moscow at all. (I hope it will!) Is it played in Britain on the radio or tv much? If not then no wonder it's just 33.
AmeriQueen wrote: I guess they wanted a rocker for the 1st single. Personally I think Call Me has number one hit potential, Through The Night and Small could be great hits and I also think Still Burnin is just as single-worthy as C-lebrity.
Hits and top 40 lists are so last century though.
Call Me only Number 1 on country chart!!!. Ideal for shitkicking line dancers.!!!!
My God to suggest this as a Number 1 on a national chart is totally crazy!!!
We Believe and Still Burning are singles in my mind. Suspect there will be more Paul Rodgers, Bad Company fans buying the singles after hearing the album.