its_a_hard_life wrote: "IF YOU MAKE LOVE TO SOMEONE, USE A CONDOM..."
Oh darling Brian.... We don't live in the olden days... JUST SAY SEEEEEEX. Ha. :)
I thought it was strange too, but not funny, more like polite
just sensationalism, nothing wrong with what the man said, he was just using an example. why is every little thing they say analyzed to death or ridiculed? cut bri some slack.
Geez! If only they could have said this to Freddie 30 years ago.
Although he probably wouldn't have given two shits and he would have had unprotected sex anyways.
its_a_hard_life wrote: "IF YOU MAKE LOVE TO SOMEONE, USE A CONDOM..."
Oh darling Brian.... We don't live in the olden days... JUST SAY SEEEEEEX. Ha. :)
I thought it was strange too, but not funny, more like polite
I doubt Brian or Roger know how to use a Condom anymore. Seriously, they are like 60 years old. People that age don't have sex anymore. Um..correct that. Maybe Roger still does but old people SHOULD NOT have sex anymore.
SomebodyWhoLoves wrote: I doubt Brian or Roger know how to use a Condom anymore. Seriously, they are like 60 years old. People that age don't have sex anymore. Um..correct that. Maybe Roger still does but old people SHOULD NOT have sex anymore.
Your mother is still quite agile in the sack, even at her age. She gets it on, like Donkey Kong.
SomebodyWhoLoves wrote:
Seriously, they are like 60 years old. People that age don't have sex anymore. Um..correct that. Maybe Roger still does but old people SHOULD NOT have sex anymore.
i think idiots like you should not make any utterances in any public way.
SomebodyWhoLoves wrote:
Seriously, they are like 60 years old. People that age don't have sex anymore. Um..correct that. Maybe Roger still does but old people SHOULD NOT have sex anymore.
i think idiots like you should not make any utterances in any public way.
Do you know that everytime you insult someone, a little kitten somewhere dies?
SomebodyWhoLoves wrote:
Seriously, they are like 60 years old. People that age don't have sex anymore. Um..correct that. Maybe Roger still does but old people SHOULD NOT have sex anymore.
i think idiots like you should not make any utterances in any public way.
Do you know that everytime you insult someone, a little kitten somewhere dies?