Folks, what songs have you heard so far and do you all have links? I've heard:
Call Me
Cosmos Rockin'
Time To Shine (incomplete)
Still Burnin'
Take Love (not on album)
Are there any more?
Oh-ja, wanting to know if there's any other new material available on the net to listen to is a serious topic! Bear in mind that we like Queen because they make music and I want to hear what music they've just created. Without the music there's nothing serious to discuss!! So if anybody has any links to any extra stuff then that'd be great ;)
P.S.-Check out some other forum topics....there are others less serious than mine!
Say it's Not True, C-Lebrity, Time to Shine....
I've stopped though. To me there's no sense in essentially hearing a whole album in bits and pieces, only to have to go and buy the fucker when I want to listen to it as a whole.
I think this is going to make one hell of a driving album.
Listened to all the tracks available online and I'm very happy with the way it's come out, pretty much as I expected to be fair, very live sounding and feels like they had fun
Different to other albums which is good, but not so vastly different that it is no longer Queen in style.
I'm a happy man
Togg wrote: I think this is going to make one hell of a driving album.
Be careful with Warboys - I had it on loud and thought there was a crash behind me - turned out to be background war FX on the song.
Same here -- I thought a part of my car fell off behind me, but it was the battle sounds. Then again, I also drive a pretty shitty car, so I wasn't entirely surprised to hear the noise.