My grandfather fell into a coma today so if you would be so inclined, could you please take a moment to pray, think positive thoughts, whatever it is you would normally do, and hope he recovers? Thanks.
I couldn't help posting here. I share your feelings. My grandfather had been in a coma for 2 months and he died this July 29(He was 97). It was traumatic for me to say the least. I'm an atheist but I've found myself doing things I normally wouldn't ever think of doing. I hope your grandfather pulls through this. I'll definitely try to pray for him.
Saif wrote: I couldn't help posting here. I share your feelings. My grandfather had been in a coma for 2 months and he died this July 29(He was 97). It was traumatic for me to say the least. I'm an atheist but I've found myself doing things I normally wouldn't ever think of doing. I hope your grandfather pulls through this. I'll definitely try to pray for him.
Wow 97 - that's something to be real proud of. Bet he had more than a few stories to tell - just think about all the things he must have experienced. LOL. We all have our alloted time irrespective of any religion and we all have to go with the flow - if you've had no regrets and maintain your integrity then you can't ask for much more out of life. Try and think of the better times. Best wishes.
much love, man.
my grampa has been in the hospital for some time, but not for hte same reasons. he is slowly getting better. as for your loved one, we will keep him in mind. again, my friend, much love.
It's so hard when a loved one falls ill. I'm dealing with a similar issue here, so I understand your feelings. I wish the best for your grandfather, you and your family.
Thanks to everyone who took a moment to put my grandfather in your thoughts however he passed away this morning from kidney failure (which is the technical explanation for his death despite the myriad problems he had after a massive stroke.)
Sorry to hear your sad news pal. I know it sounds like a cliche but at least he's not suffering anymore.
The next couple of weeks might be tough but it gets better. Keep your chin up and be there for your mum and dad.
Personal differences aside, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing. I hope you and your loved ones can make it through :(
Best wishes.
Oh my.
I wish no one went through this difficult process but that's life unfortunately. I know the feeling...
When I found out my aunt died, I cried for about 2 or 3 hours and cried more the week after (during the 2 days of the funeral service). Sometimes, the memories come back to haunt me and I sometimes have nightmares. The best thing you can do is take some time to mourn. I didn't mourn as much as I needed to and these memories still haunt me. It's not good if you keep things bottled up inside like I did. You shouldn't mourn forever, you know what I mean? Well just take your time, but just know that he's not in pain or suffering anymore. Knowing that might give you some sense of relief or peace. He will always be in your memories, so it shouldn't mean he's gone forever. You two will meet one day and he'll always know you cared a lot for him.
Well I have to go do my homework. I'm glad I took the time to reply. I hope you and your family cope with the grief in a healthy way.
Best wishes.
So sorry...really. But I'll keep praying for you because it's a joy that you're there, alive and well, and your parents too. I wish you well and I hope you get over the sadness and come to entertain with fondness the good memories you have of him.
All of my grandparents are no longer living. It is painful to see people who have taken care of us being so in need of our care in their final days on earth, but perhaps it is the creators way of bringing things full circle. My prayers and sympathy go out to you Michael and your family.