Life without MSN?
Are you kidding me?
No way.
Some of my ex boyfriends asked me out on MSN because they were to pathetic to ask me in person. How can ANYONE be shy around me? I don't bite, all the time lol
I think I'd play music even more often. Meaning I'd either be made a saint (because I'd have no time left for even the most minor vice), or shot for the Common Good. Now if there were no musical instruments either, I'd go barking mad.
But I regularly go without the internet for days or even weeks. It's really pleasant, in a way.
I think I could... I mean I don't have the slightest need to go online when I'm not in the mood to. :-) The same with my mobile. I have months when I keep it on silent and I only answer to 4 persons at most...
Mr Mercury wrote: Since I am from the generation that grew up without the internet, I know I would cope without it.
Double ditto.
Hey, I'm still surviving without a cell phone, for that matter.
P.S. - Every time I see the title of this thread, I want to complete it with: "...if I sang out of tune."