Another Roger (re) 03.04.2008 17:59 |
As my good friend Thomas Tønnesen wrote in another thread we feel that people are very spoilt nowdays. We see it here, and we see it on the Queenonline messageboard. Nothing is good enough. I remember the days Thomas talked about. The #Queen channel on Mirc, and gazebows QueenHeaven. It was exciting times. When Made In Heaven was released internet wasnt something people had in their homes. I remember listening to the radio, and suddenly they said that they had a premiere on Queens brand new single. I still remember his words: "Its P3, you heard it here first, this is Heaven for Everyone by Queen!" It was like Magic. It came out of the blue. I had been a fan of Queen for two years and knew that the singer was dead. I think I had some tears down my cheak as well. I was now experiencing a new Queensong as a Queenfan. I didnt think that was going to happen ever. Thinking back on it now I am so glad I didnt have any internet. I could not access any discussions, I could not download interviews or hear previews. I saw no album cover. Sometimes I kinda wish it was like that today too. Its like when you have unlimited access too sweets. You get sick. Even football isnt as fun as it used to be. I remember when NRK Norway sent one english game a week at 16:00 (our time) on saturdays. It was the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning. And the clock went so slow until 16:00. But it was well worth the wait! Back to the subject though. We were always hoping after Made In Heaven that Queen would do something. No One But You were exciting. So was the Roger Taylor album Electric fire. I loved it. Still we waited for some more Queen activity. Now it has finally happened and I read all these negative threads and comments. Critisism is a good thing if its constructive and sensible. When people start to critisise even before the album is released there is something wrong I think. I feel very sorry for Brian May and Roger Taylor if they read all this, they dont really deserve it. "The albumcover looks shit", "The albumtitle is terrible", "Paul Rodgers is a bad singer", "Omg, they are showing up at Al Murray", " C-Lebrity is a terrible title" People are of course entitled to their opinions. But I just want to step up and show the world that all of us arent like that. I think most people in the western world are a bit spoilt. Nothing is good enough. I cant wait for the album. I am so glad that they are making it, and that Queen are touring again. I hope that some others also feel like this |
Cwazy little thing 03.04.2008 19:13 |
Whilst Ive been guilty of questioning the apparent name, which of course isnt even confirmed, I wholeheartedly support what you are saying, and Im truly grateful for new music, and the chance to see them live again! I dont give a toss about most of the negativity, and I think most of it comes from people who are unable to let go of the past, and spend their time dwelling on legacy - something which can never be changed, and wont (and shouldnt) be forgotten. Hooray for the chance to be excited about something new - I for one will be like an excited kid at Christmas the first time I play the new album. :) |
inu-liger 03.04.2008 20:36 |
I totally agree with your post. Queen "fans" here have very strict, and if so very unrealistic expectations of Queen as it is. They will bitch and moan about anything they do now, instead of being GLAD we're getting any new music from Queen, let alone any tours, concerts or whatever. I for one am appreciative of what Brian, Roger and Paul do for us. I just wish everyone else were as well. |
StoneColdClassicQueen 03.04.2008 22:45 |
Well all I whine about is how much people whine about Q+PR, Celine Dion covering Queen, etc. AND I WHINE ABOUT HOW MANY PEOPLE WHINE OVER HOW THERE'S NO QUEEN WITHOUT FREDDIE. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, WHAT ABOUT JOHN FREAKIN DEACON??!?!?!? HE WAS IMPORTANT TOO!!! XD but eh, what can we do about this whining? i really don't know. it's not gonna stop with as long as TM and other Stepford fans are around. watch, TM's gonna bash me as soon as he sees this. XD But anyways, I personally believe Q+PR have done a fine job these recent years. LEAVE Q+PR ALONE!!! THEY'RE JUST HUMAN BEINGS!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!! *cries as mascara runs down my face* Celine Dion is a fabulous singer. And, John Deacon is my idol.. :D (i don't care what anyone tells me about that XD) |
john bodega 03.04.2008 23:37 |
Another Roger (re) whined for several paragraphs:How incredibly funny that you should start a thread about whining in such a fashion. |
Serry... 03.04.2008 23:50 |
Another too much serious thread by Another Roger (re)... Whining or spamming - Queen fans' destiny. |
Borhap80 04.04.2008 01:07 |
Yes Serry, to be serious at a messageboard is purely a bad thing amongst the dumb... |
Another Roger (re) 04.04.2008 01:21 |
"Another too much serious thread by Another Roger (re)... Whining or spamming - Queen fans' destiny." I dont know what you are talking about. I have previously started threads while I have been a irritated. Thats not always a good idea. Anyways, I am not angry now. I just want to say that I am very excitied by the new album and even the appearance on tv today. I think loads of people look forward to this. We just dont hear them because the negative people scream so loud. |
ANAGRAMER 04.04.2008 01:28 |
<b><FONT SIZE=4>inu-liger</b> wrote: I for one am appreciative of what Brian, Roger and Paul do for us. I just wish everyone else were as well.Can I ask what Brian, Roger and Paul do for us? - can't think of anythin they've DONE for me m8 |
Serry... 04.04.2008 01:47 |
Thomas Tønnesen wrote: Yes Serry, to be serious at a messageboard is purely a bad thing amongst the dumb...Thomas, there's a thing called 'opinion', most of us don't start new threads in Serious Discussion forum to share their opinions especially when there's topic with the same content. What's so special in AR(r) opinion that it deserves new thread ("he's my friend" is not enough)? Auto-erotism is good in General forum. |
FriedChicken 04.04.2008 03:41 |
I love to whine about everything. But I totally agree :D |
kingogre 04.04.2008 05:00 |
agree as well. am looking forward a lot to tonight really. how could a new song by roger and brian be a bad thing before weve even heard it. theyre all just human, and so was freddie even if i sometimes wonder if some people really think so |
john bodega 04.04.2008 05:34 |
Another Roger (re) wrote: I think loads of people look forward to this. We just dont hear them because the negative people scream so loud.Doesn't it say something about the product if people complain? Why does it make one a 'whinger' just because they have a bad opinion about something? Why must negative forum posts be taken as the gospel truth? (I certainly don't think Al Murray is a cumbubble, I just don't think his 'sing with Queen' thing is all that great). And again ; why are you allowed to whinge about whingers, but whingers aren't allowed to whinge about Queen - which coincidentally happens to be the subject matter of this forum? |
john bodega 04.04.2008 05:35 |
What I really mean though is ; ah fuck it. |
Mr Faron Hyte 04.04.2008 10:38 |
Zebonka12 wrote: What I really mean though is ; ah fuck it.I agree completely. And get a haircut, hippe :-) |
queentel 04.04.2008 13:44 |
But its not QUEEN, is it ? |
john bodega 04.04.2008 13:46 |
queentel wrote: But its not QUEEN, is it ?As if some random fan like you can define what someone elses band was. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I think what you mean is that it's not what YOU feel Queen was, and everyone has their own idea of what that was. So here's a thought, for you and everyone else : Don't impress your stupid ideals on other people. We *all* have our own feeling on whether or not it's really "Queen". Find another thread if you don't approve. |
Mr Faron Hyte 04.04.2008 13:51 |
queentel wrote: But its not QUEEN, is it ?I'm sure people who really liked "Queen II" and "A Night at the Opera" said the same thing when "Hot Space" came out. It is what it is. Life's too short, especially for those two 60s-ish guys that some of us love and some of us love to hate. They're not going to be able to tour and record and whatever for too many more years. Perhaps you'd prefer they did nothing at all compared to what they're doing now, and if that's how you feel, more power to you. But as far as I'm concerned, they can call their band "Freddie Mercury" for all I care. What its called doesn't change who's in the band or what kind of product they turn out, and if they need to release this new album, with the different singer, and the bad title and the shitty font and the ticket problems, to tour somewhere I can see them play 3 or 4 times, then that's fine with me. I'd prefer all things be perfect, but they're not going to be, so I'm rolling with the punches. |
pittrek 04.04.2008 14:14 |
The weird thing is that I agree with both Another Roger and Serry ... |
deleted user 04.04.2008 18:13 |
Another Roger (re) wrote: I cant wait for the album. I am so glad that they are making it, and that Queen are touring again. I hope that some others also feel like thisI read very briefly what you said. I noticed very clearly your mistake: Queen are over, no Queen will be touring again. Full stop. Then, all the others are just plain words, keep up the flow if you want.. QUEEN ARE DAMNED OVER. don't confuse, this is another story, love it or hate it. |
Mr Faron Hyte 05.04.2008 00:12 |
Tomayto, tomahto |
Lester Burnham 05.04.2008 00:19 |
Mr Faron Hyte wrote: Tomayto, tomahtoTormato? |
john bodega 05.04.2008 01:25 |
Lester Burnham wrote:I think you mean MelMr Faron Hyte wrote: Tomayto, tomahtoTormato? link That is, Mel Torméto. |
Champipple 07.04.2008 10:18 |
I read the TC's post with interest and yes, you struck a nostalgic bone in my body where ANYTHING Queen was a gift from the gods... But this is a discussion board, and IS the right place to discuss feelings and thoughts, negative or otherwise with other Queen fans. Unfortunately, for me... these are dark days for Queen, so that's what I'm going to discuss. I guess it's good to have balance, but honestly as long as people are talking about Queen, or Queen related topics (not personal attacks) I'm cool with how things are here. |
beautifulsoup 12.04.2008 12:26 |
Whining happens in every fandom. Meh. |
john bodega 13.04.2008 01:24 |
Champipple wrote: these are dark days for QueenThis set off my Fuckwit Alarm. Now, I'm sure you're a bright enough person, maybe you can walk me through this. "Dark days for Queen"? I really don't see how. Two of the guys from the band are touring again & they've hooked up with a singer who doesn't suck total balls. If you're implying that it's not really Queen (I kind of agree with you) then I have news for you. It's been 'dark days' for Queen since 1991 and nothing's going to change that. Freddie's dead, dead, dead. He died after weeing himself. Get it into your head, it was 16 years ago. Lighten the fuck up. At least they're not rotting away collecting royalty checques for the rest of their days. How do you people get up in the morning!? |