shittiest crappiest bollocked fucked up website i've ever fucking met - the owners are multi millionaires and they employ a bunch of wankers to design a site
una999 wrote: shittiest crappiest bollocked fucked up website i've ever fucking met - the owners are multi millionaires and they employ a bunch of wankers to design a site
Pim Derks wrote: I bet Brian has had a hand in the design of the website... Like he probably has designed all the "Cosmos" artwork crap.
You know, most bands will redesign their sites around new album artwork. I'm not sure which would be worse, the current design or one themed on rockin' the cosmos. ;-)
Has anyone seen the British stereo photo site? It's not too bad - but mind you - they had 3 designers working on that. One of them our dear friend Dr May, who seems to think he has to be involved in every little aspect, otherwise the world would stop turning - even though he obviously knows shit about design. Look at the official BM site, the QPR tour site and the Cosmos stuff....
<font color=black>steve wrote: If Freddie were still around, the band would still have outstanding artistic style. Nothing beats the Innuendo & early Queen record designs.
I'm sure they said that about his songwriting too.
I'm absolutely dare they call it the 'Queen + Paul Rodger's homepage'!!!! Its not freaking Paul Rodgers home page!!!!
Sorry, I almost broke this stupid keyboard. If I was ever pissed, now would be the time
una999 wrote: shittiest crappiest bollocked fucked up website i've ever fucking met - the owners are multi millionaires and they employ a bunch of wankers to design a site
Ever heard of cheap tenders! Typical of multi-millionaires. Get it done on the cheap!
castaway_girl wrote: how dare they call it the 'Queen + Paul Rodger's homepage'!!!! Its not freaking Paul Rodgers home page!!!!
Darling, that's just a temporary redefinition of the domain default page:
from: QOL home [link
to: QPR home [link
meant to make people aware of the album and tour.
The original QOL home page is still there where it has always been, and likely to be restored back as default once the QPR stuff has attracted enough buzz...
Hannibal23 wrote: It's all your own fault. How can anybody order tickets with Queenonline?!?
I would normally consider that a rude comment but as I have been f***** around by Queenonline I'm inclined to agree!!
I'm waiting for general sales on Saturday morning. Queenonline are total shit as far as I'm concerned!!
Actually, the picture's pretty cool. It's a shot of a nebula, one of the ones in Orion I believe, that contains several expanding gaseous globules (or EGGs). EGGs are, essentially, primitive stars. They're masses of dust that continue to condense and accumulate more space junk, until they become so tightly-packed that they burst into life as stars.
(I took an astronomy class in college and am showing off what I learned. Hooray American university system!)
Im with Thunderbolt - I like the picture - I wouldnt mind if the new album artwork is based around it.
Just as long is it doesnt say "The Cosmos Rocks" anywhere it all on it!
Hannibal23 wrote: It's all your own fault. How can anybody order tickets with Queenonline?!?
I suppose it was to ensure we got tickets (altho' this failed for some) rather than hope nobody hears abot the gigs before general sale.
Only got Birmingham standing £49.50 + all the crap.
Today got o2 standing - cheaper by £3 per ticket.
Just shows that QOL are making loads of money out of fans.