Saw this a while back - unfortunately the online shop wasn't working at the time (apparently they'd used all their bandwidth up really early, which had never happened before).
I guess, by now, most QZ readers know that my 'penisland' posting was a joke based on our reading perceptions.
Perhaps I should have known better, but am I the only one disappointed in Jake - or others - who have created links to genuine pornographic sites?
I am not a prude, but I am well aware that young children, and teenagers under the legal age of consent, visit this site.
I know that porn can be easily found using search engines like 'Google', and I am also aware that parents should supervise children's internet behaviour.
However, I do not think that places like QZ need to promote hard core porn, or that this site become unnecessarily child unfriendly.
As a believer in introducing new, younger audiences to Queen, is there any chance that links to hard core porn could be deleted please?
John S Stuart wrote:
As a believer in introducing new, younger audiences to Queen, is there any chance that links to hard core porn could be deleted please?