This is a DVD Queen video collection of rare interviews downloaded from Youtube.This DVD was made by me.The quality it´s not good in some of them but it´s a great material that a want to collect and share with all queen fans from this web who had uploaded a lot of DVD Queen concerts that I have now. Enjoy it!!!
9 videos are included with a DVD menu.
If you find other interviews videos from youtube of from other files (in better quality) that you want me to make a DVD.Just upload it to this post and alll collect them.When I get some videos I´ll make a "DVD Queen Interviews part 5".
Hernanzani, como veo que eres de Argentina, te contesto en nuestro idioma que nos entendemos mejor.Por ahora creo que solo en el DVD1 ha habido una persona que se lo ha bajado todo y debería haber por lo menos ya un "seed" , pero en el resto todavia es pronto.La cosa va funcionando pero hay que tener paciencia pues por ahora soy yo el único que tengo el DVD 2,3 y 4 completo.Dejo el ordenador todo el dia puesto salvo por la noche, y quizas por el cambio horario notes que alli por la tarde no baja.Espero que la gente vaya bajándoselo y todo vaya más fluido.Un saludo y gracias por los ánimos
Huge Thanks to our Spanish friend ! I always love these nice Freddie interviws...right to the point :-)
PS : How do you actualy (wich program?) download these movies from YouTube ?
Kind Regards !
Marnix A., Belgium
I download videos from youtube with "Seatubes".It´s a Mac program.I don´t know if there is something like this for Windows.And all menus and DVD is made with iDVD (other Mac program).I use a Mac, not Windows.
Love to download part two, three and four of those interview DVD's, but the problem is there are no seeds (100% seeders)in any dvd, so I couldn't download anyone up to now.
Actually I am seeding part one (with up to 10 peers).
Please (re)start seeding for those who havn't finished yet. (and there are really qite a lot of in each of those three remaining DVD's).
Thanks in advance
I really appreciate your effort, but since it is 21st century we're all looking for "at least medium quality stuff". This compilation completely drags behind, sorry man. Nevertheless, It was a nice shot - i personnaly will keep it in my collection.
Thanks again.
I am trying to download the DVD, but I am stucked at 66,2 % (and closed to 25 peers too).
Is anybody out there with 100% and willing to seed?
I hope for the best.
So please you seeders, a lot of QUEEN Fans are waiting to complete the download.
Best regards and thanks in advance
25 peers still suffering here at 85 %,
we need some (one) seeder(s) to finish the DVD.
Need sombody to ....
Can you find me someone to ....
We need defenately the help of some who allows us to finish here successfully.
What the heck is wrong with those 3 last DVD???
Does anybody has it completed?
it's been a couple of weeks, now...
oh seeds, now I miss you in so many ways...
why don't we try again?
I repeat what I said.Just get ready for week-end.I uploaded all DVDs and I only could share them on saturdays and sundays.I am still sharing and will share until all of you download all DVds.Don´t worry about that.Remember ONLY SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS
Thanks Sergio353,
I will be online to get as much as possible.
Hope a lot of us could finish the Interview DVD's. And keep seeding for those that have just begun.