Yes, I met him very briefly in a London hospital in 1989, I remember it very well cause I was the day I bought my The Miracle record.
I saw a guy that looked like Freddie, but he had a beard, and I hadn't seen any of the promotional video's yet so I didn't know he grew a beard. When he came closer I noticed it was really Freddie. I said hi and told him I loved the new album. He smiled and said thanks.
He seemed very upset and I couldn't stop wondering why that was.. I guess now we all know :(
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: Yes, I met him very briefly in a London hospital in 1989, I remember it very well cause I was the day I bought my The Miracle record.
I saw a guy that looked like Freddie, but he had a beard, and I hadn't seen any of the promotional video's yet so I didn't know he grew a beard. When he came closer I noticed it was really Freddie. I said hi and told him I loved the new album. He smiled and said thanks.
He seemed very upset and I couldn't stop wondering why that was.. I guess now we all know :(
Samantha Fox is a member of this forum and she met Freddie. Freddie rubbed it against her backstage, remember???? Woooo. Guys (even gay guys) have a hard time ignorning women with big boobs!
I never MET Freddie.... alive, that is....
But I had a contact with the funeral home that got him ready for his last ever journey....
It was pretty creepy, they actually did most of the last minute preparations at Freddie's house - it was eerie, him in that box, the morticians buzzing around. Jim Hutton adjusted his tie just the way he used to like it.
A tiny man in a big box... my last impression of the late, great Freddie Mercury.
The scariest part was the occasional TWITCH... and as the air escaped his body, he'd make the odd "mmmmmburgggggh......" sound, just like a zombie.
I got out of there pretty quickly, but not before snipping a bit of his hair while Jim Hutton's back was turned.
Another thing to keep in mind; they didn't exactly waste much time prettying him up. He looked baaaaaad.