Can we please, please, please just get rid of this guy? I'm convinced it's an act; no one can be that fucking stupid, but all the same it's bloody annoying.
If we have to raise the forums standards to lose him, and if by doing so we then have to ban me as well..... I volunteer to get wiped as well!
He's just an annoying cockmaster; I'm sure he's a great person in real life, but his act is old.
On what grounds Zebonka12,
Seams to me you have taken this rather personal.
But dont you feel that you are the pot who is calling the kettle black?
Here you are trying to remove me (for what ever reason) yet the words you choose really do indicate that your nothing more than an an in-mature child who is sooking becuause he cant get his way.
Im glad you made this post. I know that i will for ever have one up on you, because to take something like this so to heart where you must request me to get booted of, really speaks words about you..
Please, dont bust you menatal capacity trying to create something wity to reply with. Its not use.
Bye for now.
...ASSDUDE.... wrote:
Seams to me you have taken this rather personal.
dont bust you menatal capacity
Honestly, if you were a middle of the road, reasonable type of forum user, I wouldn't have a problem with you. In fact, at times I actually wonder if there's more than one person using your account; the average QZ buffoon, and this criminally stupid guy who seems to have a feud with everyone on the forum.
Boring. If I could deport you and kenny8 to live with Treasure Moment, I surely would.
Seriously.... Im trying to change my ways here... Its been a while since i have had a go at any body... I have let it all go..... so why would you still insist on trying to push my buttons. Granted what ever you do wont work, just know that I have tried to controll my self, and I am doing great, so thats power to me.