Knebworth. It's been discussed before.
Furthermore, nobody should be irresponsible and say 'this proves that it exists somewhere', because the ill-educated might believe that.
This was news footage, totally unrelated to the big screen video that everyone wishes had been taped.
But yeah, I like watching this news article. He looks like the Honorable Judge Brian May.
(Law and Order CHUNG CHUNG).
Seeing Anita Dobson on that clip, reminded me of the vhs video recording i found in the loft the other day....... those of you from the UK may remember Wogan, the nightly chat show hosted by Terry Wogan on the BBC, which Anita Dobson appeared on a good few years ago with the man who was then writing and producing her Album, Mr Brian May.
The interview is a little 'cringey' at times, especially when good old Terry asks Anita and Brian if there is any romance developing
This interview and song performance by Anita and Brian may aready be out there somehwere, if it isnt, and there is enough interest shown, I will copy it to my computer and post it somewhere.
On the same tape is Bad News appearing on Wogan, performing Bohemian Rhapsody with an interview with the 'Band' after thier performance.
It was shared here some times ago.
It's from Knebworth Park.
NOBODY ever said, that a Knebworth recording does NOT exist, only that a COMPLETE VIDEO RECORDING does not exist.
radio_what's_new wrote: Look at this youtube clip:
At 1.19 min till 1.32 min you see a piece of wembley but is this angle a different one? Who filmed this?
pittrek wrote: It was shared here some times ago.
It's from Knebworth Park.
NOBODY ever said, that a Knebworth recording does NOT exist, only that a COMPLETE VIDEO RECORDING does not exist.
and what does complete videorecording mean? that all camera's were taping?
My personal opinion about this issue is that there is some footage of this date that might be interesting! Greg made that clear on a few occasions on this site. But it's obvious it's not filmed properly. But I think doro have some nice footage and maybe there was another camera taping aswell..... Who knows?(the archive people but they can't tell us anything:-)
It adds to the appeal of this show. We have the audience filmed DVD, we have pictures so we know what was going on.
OK here is the source info for the link above.
From link
Clip ID: 902873
Gm library type: ANG NEWS CLIPS
TX date: 2002-11-19
Approx TX date: N
RX date: 2002-11-19
Running time - minutes: 2
Running time - seconds: 19
Clip title: DEGREE
Clip type: NEWSITEM
Historic programme title: DEGREE
Exploit Issues:
Synopsis text: He's rocked some of the world's biggest music venues but today Brian May admitted being a little nervous as he collected his honorary degree. After 30 years as Queen's guitaristBrian was honoured by the University of Hertfordshire for his life long contribution to music. Charlotte Fisher was there.
Brian May receiving his degree. Academics applauding. Brian May speaking from lecturn. Brian May inot scholars hat. Gvs audience. Interiors of cathedral. INTERVIEW with Brain May. CU of degree. Gvs Anita Dobson sitting insided cathedral with Brians childen. LIB PICS Of Queen performing at Knebworth in 1986(Edit 1989-1986). INTERVIEW continues. ITN PICS of exteriors Buckingham Plaace and traffic. Brian May walking on roof of Buckingham Palace. Exteriors Buckingham Palace and tourists. INTERVIEW with Brian continues. Charlotte to camera outside cathedral. Brian May with Anita Dobson standing alone inside cathedral. Brian May outside in sunshine chatting to people. Brian signing autograph
Shot timecode in:
Shot descriptions:
Programme ID:
Programme title:
Production ID:
Historic Production No: IDEALIST:385752
Production title:
Format ID: 6069
Format type: M2
Format comments:
Format timecode in: 00:36:16:00
Format timecode out:
Note it says LIB PICS Of Queen performing at Knebworth in 1986. This would suggest its their own news footage from the day.
They were there in 86.
Clip ID: 960695
Gm library type: ANG NEWS CLIPS
TX date: 1986-08-11
Approx TX date: N
RX date: 1986-08-11
Running time - minutes: 2
Running time - seconds: 30
Clip title:
Clip type: NEWSITEM
Historic programme title:
Exploit Issues:
Synopsis text: FOUR YOUTHS ARE BEING QUESTIONED BY POLICE AFTER A YOUNG SCOTSMAN WAS KNIFED TO DEATH DURING THE QUEEN CONCERT AT KNEBWORTH Peter Lugg reports GVs Status Quo on stage performing. GVs fans. GVs drinkers. Freddie Mercury arriving by helicopter. GVs Freddie Mercury and Queen on stage. GVs of St Johns ambulancemen trying to get through the crowd. INTERVIEW with Chief Insp Chris Partridge. GVs crowd and stage. GVs rubbish being cleared away. Stage being demolished ENTERTAINMENT MUSICAL POP CONCERT KNEBWORTH CRIME MURDER QUEEN STATUS QUO CROWDS ST JOHNS AMBULANCE CHRIS PARTRIDGE RUBBISH LITTER
Shot timecode in:
Shot descriptions:
Credits text:
Programme ID:
Programme title:
Production ID:
Historic Production No: IDEALIST:225075
Production title:
Format ID: 570/5
Format type: M2
Format comments:
Format timecode in: 00:00:10:24
Format timecode out:
radio_what's_new wrote: Look at this youtube clip:
At 1.19 min till 1.32 min you see a piece of wembley but is this angle a different one? Who filmed this?
radio_what's_new wrote: Look at this youtube clip:
At 1.19 min till 1.32 min you see a piece of wembley but is this angle a different one? Who filmed this?