Hello everyone !
here is on youtube a cover of BohRhap by a guy called Pierre, "student" in a "school" on TV to learn to sing and to earn some money and a contract. Of course they are not beginners, these students have for the most part of them already started their carreer.
I think it is the french pendant for American Idol, tell me if I'm wrong. You have to vote each week for one student to be pushed out in the dark times of anti-stardom ....
Well, if you like your ears, don't follow this link : link
OK, the song is not that easy, but... doing this to BohRhap means he would probably not sign a contract this year.
His own comments on this performance : "I was scared, hadn't got the nerve... I was feeling good !"
I've heard better karaoke singers growl that song out than he does....erm....attempt,if thats what you can call it,to sing it.
Sorry but he was ill advised to touch Bo-Rhap.Should've left it well alone.
Couldnt watch all of that - absolutely terrible!
I hate seeing people being given the opportunity to do something like that when they clearly lack any ability!
I hate to say it, but I actually could have done better! In fact, most people could have done better!
Yes, such a pity... In fact I don't think these students can choose the songs they will sing on the weekly friday night show on TV, and so they have frequently songs from different styles than their choosen one (you'll never make me sing R'n'B !!). that's in the Defence of this brave Pierre...
Anyway, they have some 3 or 4 days to work on the songs. And to give the most accurate information, he was since eliminated by the TV watchers (they vote each week)... He still was in the last 5 or 6 !! Three left...