and I've loved them for 30 years...well, at least 90% of their stuff, well, there was that tune and that track, and, well, yes, you could say that BoRhap was wonderful inspite of the AIDS reference, yet I've been treated like dog meat, so take Mr. Fuller's advice...................
I think we've probably scared her off already!
But if not - welcome!
There is a lot to be learnt here - I joined about 4 years ago, and I learnt loads I didnt about Queen just from reading the discussions and occasionally asking the odd question.
I also recommed the announce section of the forum. It contains some absolute gems - particularly if like me youre interested in hearing songs performed live; loads of stuff in some of the bootlegs have never made it onto a live album.
And then when someone new arrives, you can share that knowledge with them! Ah - the wonders of the internet! :)
Wicked-Wily-Waitress wrote: hello karen welcome!!
don't be sceared there are some nice people here....very few....but nevermind...... assholes are everywhere!
Posts: 7 | Registered: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My, are we quick to judge! :O