i was pleasantly surprised to NOT see the words "St Just,Cornwall" in the article,but then again its Cumbria,the winters are long up there..
its the only reason why he would willingly shag that moose of a mother!
*puts sandwich down on plate and pushes plate away*
The mother is described as a "jobless mother of seven".
Maybe the lazy fat bitch needs to stop having sex with her kids and drag her fat fucking lazy arse out of bed and get a fucking job.
Oh my... this is why the world is upside down...
I can't believe she was really that desperate to get laid that she had to seduce her son for that. And I can't believe the guy was THAT desperate for the same thing also
I don't know much about The Sun, but isn't it one of those 'attention' seeking, out of proportion, newspapers that offer nothing factual and only rediculous bull shit like President Bush is an alien?
deleted user 03.10.2007 17:23
.DeaconJohn. wrote: The mother is described as a "jobless mother of seven".
Maybe the lazy fat bitch needs to stop having sex with her kids and drag her fat fucking lazy arse out of bed and get a fucking job.
<font color=FF0033 face=symbol>Freddie wrote: I don't know much about The Sun, but isn't it one of those 'attention' seeking, out of proportion, newspapers that offer nothing factual and only rediculous bull shit like President Bush is an alien?
yes and no..
yes:The Sun offers nothing factual.
no:The Sport is the paper you want for the Bush/alien bullshit *thinks of the london bus found in the artic story*
<font color=#FF66FF><b>Marial-B wrote: Oh my... this is why the world is upside down...
I can't believe she was really that desperate to get laid that she had to seduce her son for that. And I can't believe the guy was THAT desperate for the same thing also
Mr.Jingles wrote: If the mom kinda looked like Jennifer Tilly, maybe I'd understand.
...but THAT!!??
I thought the same thing, minus Jennifer Tilly... :P
I didn't know sex could cure panic attacks, though. And here's me, wishing bad things upon certain people again... What's the matter with me? :O
<font color=#FF66FF><b>Marial-B wrote: Oh my... this is why the world is upside down...
I can't believe she was really that desperate to get laid that she had to seduce her son for that. And I can't believe the guy was THAT desperate for the same thing also
its Cumbria.it was probably the goats night off..
Now I'll have nightmares with all this info in my head xD
Yeah, that is desperation on a whole new level. I mean, I know that most guys are desperate for it most of the time....but this is....wow.
I'm speechless
deleted user 03.10.2007 23:11
At first, I thought he had the panic attack *afterwards.*
If I was a guy who just did my own mom, I'd have a panic attack. :/
(yay English class)
“It seems they were in bed watching a video. Mark had suffered a panic attack and when she gave him a cuddle and comforted him one thing led to another.”
That sounds like bullshit to me.
Kid has random panic attack while sitting on a bed watching a movie. Mom: "Oh darling calm down, calm down...let's have sex."
:P ew