I would have to say my favorite song off the miracle is Scandal. Scandal is such a great song it is my all time favorite song. Also i would have to say the second best song off the Miracle album is I Want It All. Scandal Best Song EVER! Then My second favorite song ever is I Want It All. So now what is your favorite song off the Miracle album?
My top 5 queen songs
1 Scandal
2 I Want It All
3 The Show Must Go On
4 Dont Stop Me Now 5 Bohemian Rhapsody
I would have to say Scandal. But then again, there is so much to pick from considering the album is my favorite. Freddie's voice is just spot on.
Great question to ask!!!!
I'd say I'm in the minority, but I actually like a lot of The Miracle. It's a welcome rebound from the forgettable AKOM. If I had to pick one song and say, definitively, that it's my favorite, I'd probably lean towards Was It All Worth It. Probably.
Breakthru, I Want It All, and Scandal are up there as well.
The National Scandal wrote: I would have to say my favorite song off the miracle is Scandal. Scandal is such a great song it is my all time favorite song. Also i would have to say the second best song off the Miracle album is I Want It All. Scandal Best Song EVER! Then My second favorite song ever is I Want It All. So now what is your favorite song off the Miracle album?
My top 5 queen songs
1 Scandal
2 I Want It All
3 The Show Must Go On
4 Dont Stop Me Now 5 Bohemian Rhapsody
Zak Royen wrote: am i the only one who thinks the synths on WIAWI sound awfully cheap.
(the arrangement is probably wonderful, but that's a different story)
No, you're not alone. The synths all over that album all sounded like they were behind the times, and did nothing to help the weak songs.
Breakthru....If I could only reach you, if I can make you smile...great line, great song...
I like rain must fall as well...
I can see it in your stars life is so exciting,
acting so bizarre your world is so inviting
I Want It All was the song that brougth me to Queen when I first heard it all those yoears ago.. so that song has a special place in my heart. I also like Scandal and WIAWI very much.
BTW, Hang On In There is, imo, the best non-album track ever. I still can't believe it wasn't on the album.
Was It All Worth It? just reminds me of the theme tune to the original Battlestar Galactica series.
however,i do have a soft spot for Rain Must Fall from the album..
The best song off 'The Miracle' album is 'Hey Jude'. The best Queen song off 'The Miracle' album is 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
The best Queen song from, or on, 'The Miracle' is either 'I Want It All' or 'Breakthru'.
I've never been too fond of this album, but I suppose I really enjoy how 'Party' leads into 'Khashoggi's Ship'. The only other two tracks I truly admire are 'Breakthru' and 'The Miracle'.
deleted user 08.09.2007 15:09
~I Want It All
~Rain must Fall
~Invisible Man
I Love them all
Most of my favourite Queen songs come from this album
I haven't played this album in a long time but I thought it hung togther really well and all the songs lead into one another.
Best song: I Want It All.