Just watched this the other night and it is hilarious (both series are excellent). The Queen part involves Tommy calling on a club to check out a pest problem whilst a Queen tribute band ('Ready Freddie') are doing a soundcheck. The soundman has not appeared and so Tommy uses his ex-roadie skills to do the job! There are a couple of clips of Tie Your Mother Down included in this episode as well. He advises the hapless tribute band that he has in the past been a roadie for bands including 'Messrs Deacon, May, Mercury and Taylor' to which they are amazed.
If you have not seen Saxondale it is thoroughly recommended! Lots of great quotes, references (sometimes incorrect......deliberately to reflect Tommy's character) which are very funny......eg he quotes 'and glittering prizes and endless compromises shadow the illusion of reality' from Spirit of Radio only to add the incorrect album it is on (Hemispheres instead of Permanent Waves).
Great to see Queen included. I would guarantee loads of belly laughs generally. Morweena Banks is superb.