Weird...but original and it sounds good ! So thanks a lot for sharing this :)
It just seems the "drums" sounds a little bit weak : Would it be possible to remove them from the mix ?
Thank U, keep up the good work...
Well, it's certainly weird! Technically, very well done, and undeniably original. Do I like it? Not sure yet. Might take a few more listens, but well done, and thanks for giving this to us. :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those drums generated from an old SID-tune generator, or are they just cleverly chopped-up actual drums?
I don't want to ruin the magic for everyone, but I'm assuming, given your other work, that the instrumentation is you on the keyboards, but layered directly on top of the spooky warped noises that audio programs make when they try to make acapellas?
thanks for all the feedback everyone, great to see all the big names here.
ern, i did this a while back using ACID (the software, not the narcotic though maybe..) i didn't use the SID drums but just fruity loops drum sequencer. the notes were imported as midi and stretched to fit the places in the song where they belong.
the idea originally was to create a sound freddie might make while playing some futuristic keyboard, floating around the universe.