Markoid63 24.07.2007 01:01 |
I would like to let all Queensland Queen fans know if they want to see one of the most authentic tribute acts around, go and see "Killer Queen". If you have seen Queen -It's A Kind Of Magic show with Craig Pesco, you will be shocked at how much better Killer Queen are. Johnny Blunt is the most authentic Freddie I have seen since the real Freddie. Close your eyes and you would swear you are back 20 years at a real Queen concert. The band are a bunch of awesome musicians, who have got the Queen catalog down pat! Believe me, I'm a Queen addict, and went to one of their shows a sceptic. What a pleasant surprise. I am not a paid marketer or promoter of the band, simply an avid fan who wants to share his experience and help other Queen fans enjoy a killer show. Their website is link, have a look at the promo video on the site to see what I mean. Cheers...Mark Pickering |
marg 24.07.2007 04:23 |
Well, thanks Mark for supporting Killer Queen. I too, have seen the band and know that its the best one Australia has ever produced. I agree, they don't have to reply on backing tapes or artifical pianos etc to be great. I am from north Queensland, and the amount of support for Killer Queen is amazing. Also, they don't have to have the endorsement of Peter Freestone to get business. I am very surprise that Peter Freestone supports such a poor Queen trbute band in the first place. |
ron lauter 12.09.2007 14:15 |
I live in San Diego, CA, USA, and It's a Kind of Magic is scheduled to play here. I love Queen, but I don't want to pay to see a disappointing show. However, Killer Queen seems to only play in Australia. Is "Magic" worth seeing? |
Ms. Rebel 12.09.2007 18:59 |
Markoid63 12.09.2007 22:55 |
Hi.. As I have said, A Kind Of Magic show is ok, but some of the things they do are not quite right. I have from some very reliable sources that they use backing tapes for some stuff. Given how unlucky you are that Killer Queen don't play over there, maybe they would be okay. The advantage that the Magic guys have is someone with lots of money backing them,whereas Killer Queen are hard working guys building a name for themselves. (Sounds like some other very well known band). And yes you're right, I think Johnny Blunt should be Freddie in the movie. Cheers....Mark Pickering |
gem27 13.09.2007 10:22 |
I saw Killer Queen last year in Wales where I live and yes I was too a sceptic but these guys impressed me so much. The set list and outfits when I went to see them was based on Queen's 1982 Hot Space tour. Do they impersonate other years from Queen's touring days? I didn't even know they were Australian. |
val 29467 17.09.2007 05:59 |
I saw them on a local festival here in Holland two years ago. The sound there was bad, but Killer Queen was vey good, I had alot of fun |
Markoid63 17.09.2007 06:41 |
Sorry guys, but that is another Killer Queen. These guys are from Brisbane, Australia and have only done shows in Oz so far. But if they get the right support, they'll be overseas knocking you all dead. Cheers...Mark |
dearie 20.11.2007 22:16 |
OOHHH yes, I saw John Blunt in last weeks Womens Day and I have seen Killer Queen Australia live many times. Having seen all the other Queen Tribute bands here and abroad, let me just say that I believe John Blunt "is" POSSESSED by Freddie's spirit onstage. he is uncanny in looks and in voice. I have never seen the real deal but these guys make you believe you have. The sooner they line up some serious tours overseas the better. They will seriously KIK ASS, and any decent promoter worth his salt would make out like a bandit. To quote "Borat" "Killer Queen Australia best tribute band in the world, all other tribute bands are silly little girls" or should i say "Great Pretenders", HAHA! |
NedKelly 07.08.2011 15:18 |
I have known John for over a year now ( from Facebook) and when I got a chance to see him and the band this year I was blown away. Have seen AKOM and sorry, they seem so tightly choreographed and the show really has become tired. Johnny and the boys are fresh all the time and Johnny is free to move and groove in his own way at his own time. A far better performance and they have been knocking crowds dead overseas. Way to go Killer Queen |
bencrossman 04.01.2012 19:05 |
They have a new promo out: link |
tomchristie22 04.01.2012 23:11 |
I've seen Magic, it was alright, however I'm much less impressed if its true about the backing tapes. The grand piano he was using appeared to be fake too... I think it was better than Killer Queen looks, visually it was very similar to a Queen show, they did a very good job of making it seem "big". The guitarist was also fantastic. The singer's voice was pretty close to Freddie's, apart from his Spanish accent. |
bencrossman 07.01.2012 03:54 |
What's that got to do with 'Killer Queen' |
ludwigs 07.01.2012 04:17 |
The guy from KQ looks great. Shame he isn't a very good singer. That promo didn't really show him off as a decent singer. |
john bodega 07.01.2012 05:36 |
I think he's a fine singer but he cuts his words way too short. It actually gets a bit annoying to listen to, in that promo at least. Some sustained notes would do him a world of good. |
M-train 11.01.2012 11:50 |
I found them on youtube last year. I really think Johnny does a great job on creating the illusion of Freddie. For many like myself who have never had the pleasure of seeing Queen back in the day it would be really nice to see this group. I do agree that Johnny does cut off his notes too early. This is something that I don't understand. If I were in a really good tribute band such as KQ I would try to write some new songs, and perform them as Queen. Hell, you never know where that would go, it might be very interesting. I did pose the question to Johnny through YT so who knows. |
tomchristie22 13.01.2012 15:48 |
The guitarist's tone is just awful, it's so thin and lifeless, actually difficult to listen to. Though may just be the fault of that particular recording. They play God Save The Queen live... That doesn't work for me really. When I see a tribute band I prefer to see a straight up re-inactment of the bands actual shows, rather than their own 'improvement' on it or whatever. Of course that's only my preference, they have every right to do their own take on things. I guess I just like extra authenticity for some reason. I can see what Zebonka 12 meant by cutting the notes short, 'I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all' sounds rushed and effortless, when it's supposed to be fairly powerfully sung. |
bencrossman 15.01.2012 17:29 |
I think that must be the recording because Anthony's guitar tone is one of the closest to Brian May's in the world. Check out some other clips of his playing on YouTube. |
ludwigs 16.01.2012 03:38 |
bencrossman wrote: I think that must be the recording because Anthony's guitar tone is one of the closest to Brian May's in the that IS funny! |
LucTonnerre 17.01.2012 10:31 |
To me they just come across very slow and not dynamic at all. Not a very good singer and everything seems to happen in slo-motion. Sorry, not impressed at all. |
tomchristie22 19.01.2012 01:42 |
Compare - link Dios Salve a la Reina (It's A Kinda Magic in Australia) link Killer Queen As far as I can see, apart from mispronunciations (understandable for a singer who's first language isn't English), Dios Salve a la Reina do a much better job. |
stuthepom 26.01.2012 23:48 |
Well I guess we can all sit here and criticise but are any of us playing in a Queen tribute band? I would have thought people would have been supportive of keeping this great band kind of 'alive'... Saying about Guitar tones and notes being cut off short all seems a bit petty to me but people are entitled to their opinions, hey it's what makes the world go round... If people can find the time check these guys out, they work incredibly hard and I believe deserve some well deserved credit. The show must go on.. |
BulsaraBoy 06.02.2012 06:57 |
I hate to be a critic but So what if the guy doesn't exactly sound like Freddie, he looks like him and John totally embodies Freddie's? flamboyant performance and persona which doesn't exist from other Freddie impersonators around the globe, they just focus on vocals only. I think it's more important to? have the stage persona of Freddie. Look at Marc Martel for example, he sounds 99.9% like Freddie but his stage performace is sadly lacking. He doesn't have the energy or flamboyance of Fred. Johnny on the other hand, you share Freddie's tone, and bit of his magical vocal power but more importantly his virbrant energy, stage presense and his flamboyant stage personality. And the look is just scary. And hats off to Ben Crossman who has the guts and courage to put up his own name and defend his band and his promo. Really what gives anybody the right to criticize anybody anyway?.Where is your footage doing whatever it is you do?, These guys are getting flown around the world keeping Queen alive. I have seen them live as well as a few other Queen shows and Killer Queen are simply getting the job done. and Johnny should be playing Freddie Mercury in the new movie. link |
BulsaraBoy 06.02.2012 06:59 |
Dios are great and so are Killer Queen. Have seen them both live. |
bencrossman 20.03.2012 19:30 |
They've uploaded some new full songs clips: link link link link link |
tomchristie22 21.03.2012 00:07 |
They seem slightly better in these videos, though I still think the guy's voice is too rough and all GURR-like, for lack of a less retarded description. The guitarist is pretty good, though his solo bits don't actually sound like the sort of thing Brian would play. EDIT: Wait, what's with the drum sound? The way it cuts off so abruptly after each beat makes it sound oddly synthetic.. |
john bodega 21.03.2012 03:59 |
"Australia's finest and only surviving tribute band" Only surviving?? News to me. He sounds a bit like Freddie Mercury if Freddie were deaf. There's no consonants. The great thing about Freddie was his articulation. This guy sounds like he's singing into a bucket or something. Not hating or anything, they do alright. I think Freddie could loosen up and put some more sustain in his notes though. |
bencrossman 22.03.2012 06:11 |
Sorry I accidently posted the same link twice: Here's the missing one: link |
BulsaraBoy 19.05.2012 20:56 |
I thought this was a good clip from the Killer queenies in oz. link |
CosmosTales 20.05.2012 00:22 |
Bunch of pimps that dont have the talent or the imagination to create something of their own, even Tranquvilla and biber deserve more consideration.... |
emrabt 20.05.2012 02:48 |
Bunch of pimps that dont have the talent or the imagination to create something of their own, even Tranquvilla and biber deserve more consideration.... ==================== Apart from the fact that most do create their own stuff, have talent and imagination you are spot on. |
CosmosTales 22.05.2012 17:12 |
Apart from the fact that most do create their own stuff, have talent and imagination you are spot on ______________________________________________________________ Right....whatever gets (you) and them through the day..... |
emrabt 22.05.2012 20:21 |
Right....whatever gets (you) and them through the day..... ========================== I'm not a fan of his but you know Zebonka was in one right? |
guild93 23.05.2012 05:44 |
There seems to be a few posts coming from authors with "1 post" to their name ...... is it the same person creating multiple accounts to try look like more share their opinion than what actually do in reality? |
emrabt 23.05.2012 07:22 |
yes these are all john blunt from killer queen promoting hi tribute act, he was much better a Elvis. |
tomchristie22 24.05.2012 01:53 |
Some of the posts here are just retarded. I'd much rather a tribute band who can recreate the way Queen sound than one who can prance around like them. Of course, both is ideal. |
rockdog19 29.07.2012 21:22 |
Markoid63 wrote: I would like to let all Queensland Queen fans know if they want to see one of the most authentic tribute acts around, go and see "Killer Queen". If you have seen Queen -It's A Kind Of Magic show with Craig Pesco, you will be shocked at how much better Killer Queen are. Johnny Blunt is the most authentic Freddie I have seen since the real Freddie. Close your eyes and you would swear you are back 20 years at a real Queen concert. The band are a bunch of awesome musicians, who have got the Queen catalog down pat! Believe me, I'm a Queen addict, and went to one of their shows a sceptic. What a pleasant surprise. I am not a paid marketer or promoter of the band, simply an avid fan who wants to share his experience and help other Queen fans enjoy a killer show. Their website is link, have a look at the promo video on the site to see what I mean. Cheers...Mark Pickering |
rockdog19 29.07.2012 21:23 |
i agree vhat john blunt is freddie mercury spirit he is talented way beyond he own knoweledge |
rockdog19 29.07.2012 21:25 |
Zebonka12 wrote: "Australia's finest and only surviving tribute band" Only surviving?? News to me. He sounds a bit like Freddie Mercury if Freddie were deaf. There's no consonants. The great thing about Freddie was his articulation. This guy sounds like he's singing into a bucket or something. Not hating or anything, they do alright. I think Freddie could loosen up and put some more sustain in his notes though. |
rockdog19 29.07.2012 21:27 |
brian is it because no one can ever replace the true brilliance of freddie mercury if so i agree but i think freddie would be pretty impresssed by john blunt |
Missreclusive 29.07.2012 23:03 |
tomchristie22 wrote: Some of the posts here are just retarded. I'd much rather a tribute band who can recreate the way Queen sound than one who can prance around like them. Of course, both is ideal.I agree. |