My dream has come true, and I'm in England right now.. More speciffically in Liverpool. In about a week, I will be going to London, and I was wondering if anybody could suggest any interesting attractions?
I know freddies adresse, and the wwry musical and the beatles museum.. And that is pretty much aboutit..
I would be very happy if you could suggest some interesting things to look at and vissit wellknown or not.
Love and summer
depends what kind of things you want to go and visit?
museums?-natural history and british museum,the science museum is next door to the natural history museum.
the london eye is meant to be cool although you wont get me up in that giant hamster wheel.
the london dundgeon at london bridge was always a fave of mine as was the tower of london.
madame tussauds is good if you like queueing for ages as this place is popular.
hope that helps a bit
*(azzadude)* ..GET DOWN MAKE LOVE! wrote: Corronation st..
That's in Manchester you spac.
joxertheteddybearpirate wrote: depends what kind of things you want to go and visit?
museums?-natural history and british museum,the science museum is next door to the natural history museum.
the london eye is meant to be cool although you wont get me up in that giant hamster wheel.
the london dundgeon at london bridge was always a fave of mine as was the tower of london.
London Dungeons are fun, but if one goes there, for heavens sake, get tickets in advance, it's not worth the two and a half hour wait to get in.
If you want to go to an interesting area, I'd suggest Camden, it's not for everyone, but it's pretty cool. And you will see some form of celebrity there. You always do.
And if you're interested in shopping, I suggest Oxford Street.