deleted user 23.06.2007 00:46 |
God Queen are such a fantastic band. They're just astounding. But out of their entire category, the one song that takes my breath away every time is March of the Black Queen. It's hard rock, opera, the best bloody vocals on earth, my favorite Brian May guitar solo, it's everything! No other Queen song, or any song ever can beat this masterpeice. |
Saif 23.06.2007 07:45 |
Two words: White Queen. |
deleted user 23.06.2007 08:43 |
I love Spread Your Wings, Freddie's voice, Guitar solo, and its brilliant lyrics :D ! |
Sebastian 23.06.2007 09:14 |
'39 |
Sergei. 23.06.2007 09:39 |
My favourite Queen song is Grace Kelly! Huh? Who? What? Where? :P |
Poo, again 23.06.2007 09:53 |
The Prophet's Song.... or March of the Black Queen. I can't make up my mind. Masterpieces. |
M.H 23.06.2007 11:30 |
Bohemian Rapsody or Gimmie The Prize, but then again I've always loved White Queen, and so many others. I don't think I'll ever make up my mind. But, I'll give it a shot. I'll say Bohemian Rapsody, because I first heard that song live, and I fell in love with it instantly. The way it began with Freddie belting out the vocals, and then moving into the mock opera which I thought was so imaginative and brilliant, and then when it blasts into the hard rock section, I was one over completely. It is to this day, after all the albulms I have bought, Bohemian Rapsody remains my favorite song, mainly because it represenets all I love about Queen. M.H M.H |
Freya is quietly judging you. 23.06.2007 11:49 |
'39. I don't know why. |
deleted user 23.06.2007 12:08 |
At the moment, it seems to be Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke. I think it is the harmonies and the fact that it is such a free-spirited song. |
david (galashiels) 23.06.2007 12:19 |
it's late.starts slow and builds and builds untill .it's all to late.perfect |
Vincent. 23.06.2007 12:57 |
Killer Queen...Uh...It's about a prostitute? :P No, it's just simple and wonderful and fantastical. :P |
deleted user 23.06.2007 13:03 |
Err...It's Late. It's just gorgeous, that's why =D |
Treasure Moment 23.06.2007 13:57 |
show must go on most energy, meaningful lyrics, power, emotion etc |
Edmund 23.06.2007 15:54 |
Save me when sung live. Just love the sentiment in it. |
jcomber 23.06.2007 15:56 |
Radio Ga Ga - Monster song brought Queen back after the backlash from Hot Space which is(underated) imo. Video was great, 4uck the left wing music press over here in the U.K. and their rants about nazi style posturing by the extras. The Music Anthemic, Freddie's voice was brilliant, smooth and complemented the soaring keyboards & guitar sound. I also love IWTBF with that Keyboard Guitar intro before Freddie's vocals come in, brill song all round also. |
markaw 23.06.2007 17:31 |
Doin' Alright /Night Comes Down/White Queen= The emotion in thee songs and fragility FM exprsses within them |
deleted user 23.06.2007 17:59 |
Bo Rhap/The Millionaire Waltz/Somebody To Love... WHY?? It has to be Freddie's voice and piano. He puts so much emotion into these songs. In "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "The Millionaire Waltz", I like the harmonies. "Somebody To Love" just happens to be the Queen song with the most emotion (for me, at least). Freddie put so much of himself into that song. Not to mention it was his favorite song out of all the ones he had written.... If I had to choose ONE favorite, I'd have to say "Somebody To Love".... But then again, "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" is damn good too... |
My Melancholy Blues 23.06.2007 18:22 |
Edmund wrote: Save me when sung live. Just love the sentiment in it.Same Here! I LOVE that one when sung live especially! |
lyricalassasin77 23.06.2007 18:25 |
If You Can't Beat Em.....Real Raunchy Guitar and just an overall feel good song |
tarik 25.06.2007 10:22 |
my favorite song is and will always be somebody to love because i can dig it more than other songs and because melodies includes in it are so beautiful, and freddie singing in it is ...waaaaaaaaaaaw extraordinary. |
steven 35638 25.06.2007 10:51 |
I've went through several favorites: It's a Hard Life - this was mainly due to the music video since I'd first heard it by watching it. I Want to Break Free - it's simple, but damn was that a beautiful record! The video was hilarious and kept me wondering what in the hell they were thinking. The Millionaire Waltz - Pure Queen, what else is there to say? Much better than Bohemian Rhapsody in some aspects...besides, I've always loved waltzes. You and I - reminds me of my girlfriend and I...and the lyrics are brilliant. "Music's playing in the darkness..." :) Mad the Swine - A masterpiece in it's own right...very strange song, but none the less a brilliant one. These Are The Days of Our Lives - One of Queen's most meaningful songs, it can make a grown man cry like a baby. In the Lap of the Gods...Revisited - how could you not love this song? It's so powerful! I'll stop here...I'd probably end up listing every single Queen song if I continued. |
deleted user 25.06.2007 14:28 |
March of the Black Queen. Though at the moment I adore the song It's Late. I just love News of the World, it sounds so much more spontaneous than some of their earlier albums. And I love albums like that. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 25.06.2007 15:12 |
Bohemian Rhapsody. Why? For me this song tops it all. :) |
louvox 25.06.2007 16:05 |
Somebody to love The most passionate song about longing ever written. Beautiful melody, structure and lyrics. In the top 5 all time best singles. |
tarik 26.06.2007 05:11 |
that's right louvox, somebody to love, incredibly beautiful song, we can add love of my life, bohemian rhapsody, white queen, doin alright,crazy little thing called love, ...but saying millionaire waltz or save me is the best song , that's bullshit. |
maxpower 26.06.2007 06:55 |
Tie Your Mother Down - perfect live song be it as an opener or the end |
steven 35638 26.06.2007 11:56 |
tarik wrote: saying millionaire waltz or save me is the best song , that's bullshit.For some Queen fans (such as myself) they have found Save Me to be a very meaningful song. The same goes for The Millionaire Waltz...but I mainly love it for it's brilliant style. It goes through several mood swings which I've found to be brilliant. |
mike hunt 26.06.2007 23:39 |
Love of my life is my personal favorite, it's one of the best ballads of all time, also somebody to love is brilliant. |
deleted user 26.06.2007 23:48 |
GUESS. :) I dunno. I love the harmonies...the song just gives me goosebumps sometimes. It's hard to explain. I just love it! |
Katicas..(L) 27.06.2007 13:39 |
Hmm.... Hmm.... Hmm.... HMM!!!! I have no idea...erm...Sunday afternoon...The lyrics are fab.. |
Eregwen 27.07.2007 16:41 |
This might sound a little odd, but my favorite would have to be "Flick of the Wrist." I just love the ominous melody of the verses and the corresponding bass line. Also interesting lyrics and cool guitar work, and it all comes together to create a wonderfully dark, frustrated song! |
Ella! Formerly known as the Metal Maiden 27.07.2007 17:02 |
I'm Going Slightly Mad - It's so cool and weird and strange, and....unique....Plus I LOVE the tune :). |
Nathan 27.07.2007 17:31 |
Headlong - It's fast, catchy and a great rock song. |
Queenluv4Life 27.07.2007 17:53 |
Bohemian Rhapsody. I don't know why! I just like it so much! |
Dusta 27.07.2007 22:50 |
Bohemian Rhapsody--Interestingly, to me, anyhow, this has not always been my favorite Queen song. As I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate it more. The melody, the harmonies, the piano, the GUITAR! Killer Queen(I just love the melody, and, the memories it brings) You're My Best Friend(What's not to like?) Somebody To Love(again with the melody) Save Me(a recent favorite, for me. Lovely melody, delivered so beautifully, especially live) These Are the Days(lovely song, lovely vocals from an uncharacteristically fragile sounding Freddie) Innuendo Under Pressure(sans Bowie--I just enjoy the whole rythm and melody, and, I like the way Freddie sings it) Prophet's Song--Just love the feel of the song, the guitar, the vocals(though, I admit I could do without the whole improv thing in the middle) There are likely many others. I am, afterall, a Queen fan. |
Dusta 27.07.2007 23:14 |
I thought you were going to a place almost too horrible to mention, when I first glanced at your post. Not a Queen song, but, one by the same fellow who wrote and recorded the horrifying, "Pina Colada," song, here in the US.[..Cake..Or..Death..]..[[TONKS]] wrote: Hmm.... Hmm.... Hmm.... HMM!!!! I have no idea...erm...Sunday afternoon...The lyrics are fab.. |
Treasure Moment 27.07.2007 23:58 |
I love all the Queen songs but show must go on has to be my favourite, its so emotional and strong with very meaningful lyrics and godly performance. The best song on earth, no question about it. |
Sweetie 28.07.2007 04:26 |
Atheist wrote: I love all the Queen songs but show must go on has to be my favourite, its so emotional and strong with very meaningful lyrics and godly performance. The best song on earth, no question about it.I shall question it then, No Queen song is the best song on Earth. However, just about all the Queen songs are the best on Earth and in fact in my opinion they are the best in the universe. |
QueenTaylor 29.07.2007 19:28 |
I don't really have a favorie, I love em all, but if I had to pick one of my favorites, I'd pcik..March of he Black Queen. Why? Well because you have Freddie's early 70s voice and Roger's drumming, Brian's guitar. There is so much detail and effort put into that song. It reminds me of Bo Rhap in a way. With the fast, slow, fast thing and just the brilliance that was put into it! Great song!! |
deleted user 29.07.2007 19:40 |
My Favorite constantly changes. Currently it is Killer Queen. Just cuz. |
cinfred 03.09.2007 15:20 |
The National Scandal 03.09.2007 15:26 |
Scandal is my all time favorite queen song and my all time favorite song EVER!! long live queen. But anyways scandal has a cool music video such great lyrics and a great beat to. Plus it comes off my favorite album The miricle. So Scandal My favorite song The miricle My favorite Album Queen my favorie Band!!!!!!!!!!!! Long Live the Queen Also 1 more thing Roger taylor is my favorite band member |
MissFreddie 03.09.2007 19:20 |
I would have to say Scandal is my favorite along with most of the songs off of the Miracle album. I also really like "Too much love will kill you" Freddie just hits the notes beautifully. Thanks for hearing me out. Cindy |
Hayek Eva 04.09.2007 08:45 |
My favorite is Freddie's amazing voice,he overawe me whatwver he sing. |
MissFreddie 04.09.2007 17:49 |
Hayek Eva you should email me sometime. Love to talk about Freddie. |
goinback 04.09.2007 19:06 |
Procession, because of the lyrics and Freddie's amazing vocal work. |
imorton669 06.09.2007 05:37 |
"39" for me bracause when A Night At The Opera came out I was really into Si-Fi so it really hit the spot for me....yes I really am that old. |
Janner 07.09.2007 08:08 |
Perhaps The Show Must Go On. Freddie's voice has such power on that track |
Griffin 07.09.2007 09:13 |
Innuendo, because like BoRhap, it shows off Queen's different musical styles, but also the fast BBC version of WWRY, because it's so powerful and mysterious, really captures what the band was best known for at the time |
SunLady 08.09.2007 19:05 |
i love them all and i change my favorites all the time but one is still staying and it is Death on two legs! It's so powerful and lyrics are great. so you can kiss my ass goodbye :) and somebody to love it's incredible melody, show must go on... oh it's so hard to pick just one song :) |
Dusta 09.09.2007 03:16 |
My favorites seem to be in a constant state of change, as well. I think I can say, without question, that there really is no band I like as much as Queen. Freddie's almost magical voice, Brian's incredible, incredible guitar...and, it is amazing to me how each band member wrote so VERY effectively for Freddie's voice(especially Brian, in my opinion. It seems Mr May truly understood Freddie, and, what he could do with a song)...and, also, listening to Queen with my ten year old has really changed the way I hear some of these songs, as well. I only recently realized just how very much I love, "Bicycle,"... |
Dusta 09.09.2007 03:17 |
So very well spoken.M.H wrote: Bohemian Rapsody or Gimmie The Prize, but then again I've always loved White Queen, and so many others. I don't think I'll ever make up my mind. But, I'll give it a shot. I'll say Bohemian Rapsody, because I first heard that song live, and I fell in love with it instantly. The way it began with Freddie belting out the vocals, and then moving into the mock opera which I thought was so imaginative and brilliant, and then when it blasts into the hard rock section, I was one over completely. It is to this day, after all the albulms I have bought, Bohemian Rapsody remains my favorite song, mainly because it represenets all I love about Queen. M.H M.H |
QueenMercury46 09.09.2007 13:55 |
I really think Bohemian Rhapsody is the greatest masterpiece ever. When I hear it I stop everything I'm doing and just have a jolly good time :). Every part of it is just amazing. |
sparrow 21754 09.09.2007 17:04 |
well i really cant pick just one...but if at gunpoint: the night comes down or someday one day. theyre just so peaceful and beautiful, an at anytime im feeling down, i listen to those a few times and i forget what i was upset about. jealousy is another. freddies voice is just so lovely. i think it would be easier to pick 2 of every album as a favorite :-p |
Dusta 09.09.2007 18:37 |
Another of my favorites, as well as my favorite performance of the song. link |
QueenCrazy1946 15.09.2007 11:41 |
My Favourite Queen Song Is: "In The Lap Of The Gods" Because it is soooooo good and i love the whole, "Woah, woah la-la-la!" thing. Its so great and if you havnt noticed, the chant gets louder during the end. And i love the thunder at the end! Freddie has a great voice! |
Oszmercury 15.09.2007 15:07 |
I have two personal favorites, Father to Son: May's guitar sound is amazing, also the chorus, a fantastic song, epic, rocker, and Freddies voices is fantastic as usual. She makes me: I don't know about guys, but i think that it's maybe the strangest song in Queen catalog, brian did a great job singing it |
iLoversQueen 16.09.2007 01:07 |
i love the song ~love of my life~ it's just soooooo lovely, Freddie's voice is soooooo amazing!!! |
Victorvil 17.09.2007 20:56 |
it's strange, cause every Queen song have something that makes them unique for me. But... Nevermore makes me feel... i can't explain Just an amazing song Vic |
deleted user 18.09.2007 20:31 |
It's a tough decision, but it would definitely be either Killer Queen, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, or Teo Torriatte. |
tarik 20.09.2007 07:18 |
so hard to make up my mind about which is my favourite queen song, they have many beautiful songs( somebody to love, save me, love of my life, white queen.....) |
Dusta 20.09.2007 13:31 |
My only issue with Nevermore is that it just isn't long enough! I am always a bit bereft, as it ends, wanting it to go on a bit longer!Victorvil wrote: it's strange, cause every Queen song have something that makes them unique for me. But... Nevermore makes me feel... i can't explain Just an amazing song Vic |
Dusta 20.09.2007 13:33 |
Teo Torriatte is also so beautiful!<font color=space>sweden_man wrote: It's a tough decision, but it would definitely be either Killer Queen, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, or Teo Torriatte. |