Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts
When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public.
The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam)
are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's
posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).
Search results
3 discussions started by 'pirx'
Are this signiatures authentical? - I have bidded (on eBay) for signed Queen GH LP and... by
pirx on
What kind of cars do Queen members drive? - OK, I know they can afford anything buyable, but I... by
pirx on
Queen + PR at Vienna Stadthalle - I´m speechless. I just came back from there (... by
pirx on
13.04.2005 17 posts by user 'pirx'
About John Deacon -
Btw, does John live far away from Brian and Roger?... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
We have mutually come to decision, that I do not h... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
tilomagnet: I just won the bid, but I did not pay ... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
Mr. Scully replyed me just hours, after I have sen... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
Hey, thanks for the help!
I contacted Mr. Scul... by
pirx on
What kind of cars do Queen members drive? -
I have seen or read somewhere, that Freddie did no... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
Thanks for the answers!
They look real to me c... by
pirx on
Are this signiatures authentical? -
I have bidded (on eBay) for signed Queen GH LP and... by
pirx on
What kind of cars do Queen members drive? -
Queen did promo for Jaguar?? One of my favourite b... by
pirx on
What kind of cars do Queen members drive? -
OK, I know they can afford anything buyable, but I... by
pirx on
ANNOUNCE :19 of the best Queen bootlegs -
Thanks for sharing this!!!... by
pirx on
Budapest Review -
Thanks for the review! I was in Vienna too and lik... by
pirx on
I hate them for what they've done -
I do not belive that you were on Barcelona show...... by
pirx on
Munich today -
I really do not understand why should they change ... by
pirx on
Queen + PR at Vienna Stadthalle -
Nah, I won´t be writing a review... I am just... by
pirx on
Queen + PR at Vienna Stadthalle -
I´m speechless. I just came back from there (... by
pirx on
ANNOUNCE!!---Freddies Loves -
Very touching :( I really did not think that his l... by
pirx on