
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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35 discussions started by 'patronus87'

Queen + AL in Zurich 2015 - Hi Queen people! I have been in Zurich on february... by patronus87 on 11.03.2015
Zurich 1986 2nd date - Hello Queen's fans! I research from almost six yea... by patronus87 on 21.09.2013
Name of Queen Tour 2012 - Does Somebody know the name of Queen-tour 2012? a... by patronus87 on 03.07.2012
Original songs never published - Hi! I'm italian fan :) in your opinion, the next ... by patronus87 on 30.11.2011
first night Munich '86 - first night Zurich '86 - Hi friends! Dou you have this two Magic Tour conce... by patronus87 on 30.03.2009
Rio de Janeiro 2008 - Hi! Don't exist the Rio de Janeiro bootleg 2008?? ... by patronus87 on 28.01.2009
Hyde Park 1976 - Hi! Do you have the audio registration of the hyde... by patronus87 on 18.01.2009
Queen in Sanremo 2009 - Hi QueenFriends! By "Corriere della Sera" side (it... by patronus87 on 13.01.2009
first night munich '86 - first night zurich '86 - Hello Friends! Do you have the first night of M... by patronus87 on 09.01.2009
Hyde Park 1976 audio concert - Hello QueenFriends! Do you have the audio concer... by patronus87 on 09.12.2008
Queen in SunCity 1984 - Hi friends! Do you know if exist an audio/video... by patronus87 on 13.11.2008
Queen on Dubai TV tomorrow?? - Hello!!! Do you know if the queen concert  will... by patronus87 on 13.11.2008
Party after Wembley concert 12.06.1986 - Hi!! Do you know if exist any file audio/video ... by patronus87 on 12.11.2008
Some Lives of the Magic Tour '86 - Hello!!! I'm searching some lives of the Magic Tou... by patronus87 on 11.11.2008
We Want John DEACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A petition for him - We want John Deacon.. so.. the project "QUEEN + PA... by patronus87 on 18.10.2008
Live in Rome 26.09.2008 audio - hello! the audio concert in Rome exist? ... by patronus87 on 13.10.2008
The freddie's last concert in japan - Hello! When can I find the last concert of Freddie... by patronus87 on 24.09.2008
the cosmos rocks material - Hello QueenFriends! Do you know if exist the "o... by patronus87 on 21.09.2008
Live in Santa Monica 1975 - have you got the live in Santa Monica (not Torrent... by patronus87 on 19.09.2008
Queen in Hamburg 2005 - Hello! Do you have a mediafire/rapidshare of the ... by patronus87 on 18.05.2008
Queen in Munich 1986 - Hi friends!! I'm searching the Queenlive in Munich... by patronus87 on 18.05.2008
Q+PR in Wien 2995 - Hi!! Do you have the Queen + PR concert in Wien i... by patronus87 on 12.05.2008
CENTER CHANNEL Queen songs - Hi everybody! Do you have any center channel of Q... by patronus87 on 10.05.2008
Super Live in Japan 2005 - Hi Queen-friends!!! Do you have a mediafire/rap... by patronus87 on 05.05.2008
Super Live in Japan Q+PR - Hi!!!! Do you have "Super Live in Japan"... by patronus87 on 22.04.2008
Tracklist of the Q+PR Tour 2008 - Hi! I'm thinking at the possible tracklist in this... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Rosario 06.03.1981 - Hello Queen friends.. I'm searching the concert... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Mar de Plata 04.03.1981 - Hi friends!!!!!!!!! Do you have the Queen live ... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Caracas 26.09.1981 - Hello Queen-Friends! Do you have a mediafire/ra... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Live in Tokyo 13.02.1981 - Hi friends!! Do you have "Tokyo of 13.02.198... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
C-Lebrity - Hi everybody!!! In your opinion.. when will Que... by patronus87 on 13.04.2008
SuperBowl 1984 - Hi Friends! Do you have any dates of the queen ... by patronus87 on 10.04.2008
Queen in Cologne 1986 - Hello everybody! Do you have the queen concert in ... by patronus87 on 10.04.2008
Live in Berlin 1986 - Hello every body! scuse for my bad english! I'm it... by patronus87 on 06.01.2008
Live at the Kensington Roof Gardens in 1986 - Hello everybody!! Do you have "Live at the Ka... by patronus87 on 19.12.2007

63 posts by user 'patronus87'

Queen + AL in Zurich 2015 - Hi Queen people! I have been in Zurich on february... by patronus87 on 11.03.2015
No Tickets ! - Also in Italy the situation is very strange. I don... by patronus87 on 04.10.2014
Zurich 1986 2nd date - thank you for this information! :)... by patronus87 on 21.09.2013
Zurich 1986 2nd date - Scuse me, but I was wrong! I research 1st date of ... by patronus87 on 21.09.2013
Zurich 1986 2nd date - Hello Queen's fans! I research from almost six yea... by patronus87 on 21.09.2013
ANNOUNCE: 07/11/2008 - Q+PR - O2 Arena, London, UK [plus Q+PR remixes:-)] - Hello! does it exist the link to file torrent? ... by patronus87 on 20.09.2013
Dublin 1984 (Gregsynth Remaster) FLAC Torrent - but is it 28th or 29th of August 1984??... by patronus87 on 24.11.2012
Name of Queen Tour 2012 - Does Somebody know the name of Queen-tour 2012? a... by patronus87 on 03.07.2012
Original songs never published - Hi! I'm italian fan :) in your opinion, the next ... by patronus87 on 30.11.2011
ANNOUNCE Queen Flac 28.08.1984, Dublin, Ireland. - Exist the second night? ... by patronus87 on 23.04.2009
fans italiani??? - Saluti da Iglesias, provincia di Cagliari!!! :) ... by patronus87 on 19.04.2009
Queen + Paul Rodgers Live Murcia (Spain) 24/10/08 Video - reseed pleasee! :( ... by patronus87 on 16.04.2009
Announce-Queen + Paul Rodgers Milan DVD - reseed please!!! :( GRAZIE ... by patronus87 on 16.04.2009
ANNOUNCE (DVD): Firenze, Nelson Mandela Forum 07-Apr-05 - reseed pleaseeee! :( ... by patronus87 on 16.04.2009
first night Munich '86 - first night Zurich '86 - but in this link there's a second night! :( try to... by patronus87 on 16.04.2009
first night Munich '86 - first night Zurich '86 - thanks a lot tiger! :D ... by patronus87 on 02.04.2009
first night Munich '86 - first night Zurich '86 - Munich first night instead? ... by patronus87 on 31.03.2009
first night Munich '86 - first night Zurich '86 - Hi friends! Dou you have this two Magic Tour conce... by patronus87 on 30.03.2009
Rio de Janeiro 2008 - Hi! Don't exist the Rio de Janeiro bootleg 2008?? ... by patronus87 on 28.01.2009
Hyde Park 1976 - Hi! Do you have the audio registration of the hyde... by patronus87 on 18.01.2009
ANNOUNCE: Montreal 80 - file not found! :( ... by patronus87 on 18.01.2009
1986.06.29 Munich - upgrade - thanks bob! do you know if exist the registration ... by patronus87 on 17.01.2009
Your vision of the Setlist for next tour - For Me: 1. Intro Surf's up 2. Tie your moth... by patronus87 on 15.01.2009
Queen in Sanremo 2009 - no paul rodgers? in your opinion, what will bri... by patronus87 on 13.01.2009
Queen in Sanremo 2009 - Hi QueenFriends! By "Corriere della Sera" side (it... by patronus87 on 13.01.2009
Request : ALL MAGIC TOUR (Flac format) - yes! thank you so musch! :) ... by patronus87 on 10.01.2009
first night munich '86 - first night zurich '86 - Hello Friends! Do you have the first night of M... by patronus87 on 09.01.2009
Hyde Park 1976 audio concert - Hello QueenFriends! Do you have the audio concer... by patronus87 on 09.12.2008
Queen in SunCity 1984 - Hi friends! Do you know if exist an audio/video... by patronus87 on 13.11.2008
Queen on Dubai TV tomorrow?? - Hello!!! Do you know if the queen concert  will... by patronus87 on 13.11.2008
Party after Wembley concert 12.06.1986 - Hi!! Do you know if exist any file audio/video ... by patronus87 on 12.11.2008
Some Lives of the Magic Tour '86 - the link of zurich don't work.. :P ... by patronus87 on 12.11.2008
Some Lives of the Magic Tour '86 - Hello!!! I'm searching some lives of the Magic Tou... by patronus87 on 11.11.2008
Announce: 12.06.1986 Live in Leiden - reseed please!!! :) ... by patronus87 on 08.11.2008
We Want John DEACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A petition for him - We want John Deacon.. so.. the project "QUEEN + PA... by patronus87 on 18.10.2008
Live in Rome 26.09.2008 audio - hello! the audio concert in Rome exist? ... by patronus87 on 13.10.2008
The freddie's last concert in japan - Hello! When can I find the last concert of Freddie... by patronus87 on 24.09.2008
the cosmos rocks material - Hello QueenFriends! Do you know if exist the "o... by patronus87 on 21.09.2008
Q+PR Video Index - hello everybody! exist the audio/video recording ... by patronus87 on 21.09.2008
Live in Santa Monica 1975 - have you got the live in Santa Monica (not Torrent... by patronus87 on 19.09.2008
ANNOUNCE: Queen + Paul Rodgers NJ 2005 DVD - Disc 1 - What's the date of concert?... by patronus87 on 19.09.2008
Queen in Hamburg 2005 - Much thanks!!:)... by patronus87 on 21.05.2008
Queen in Hamburg 2005 - Hello! Do you have a mediafire/rapidshare of the ... by patronus87 on 18.05.2008
Queen in Munich 1986 - Hi friends!! I'm searching the Queenlive in Munich... by patronus87 on 18.05.2008
Q+PR in Wien 2995 - Oh.. scuse me! .. :) Q+PR in Wien 2005!!!!!! ... by patronus87 on 12.05.2008
Q+PR in Wien 2995 - Hi!! Do you have the Queen + PR concert in Wien i... by patronus87 on 12.05.2008
CENTER CHANNEL Queen songs - Hi everybody! Do you have any center channel of Q... by patronus87 on 10.05.2008
Super Live in Japan 2005 - Hi Queen-friends!!! Do you have a mediafire/rap... by patronus87 on 05.05.2008
PETITION---BRING BACK JOHN DEACON! - Yes... I want John Deacon...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... by patronus87 on 24.04.2008
Super Live in Japan Q+PR - Hi!!!! Do you have "Super Live in Japan"... by patronus87 on 22.04.2008
Tracklist of the Q+PR Tour 2008 - i will want Now I'm here.. One Vision and Innuendo... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Tracklist of the Q+PR Tour 2008 - Hi! I'm thinking at the possible tracklist in this... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Rosario 06.03.1981 - Hello Queen friends.. I'm searching the concert... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Mar de Plata 04.03.1981 - Hi friends!!!!!!!!! Do you have the Queen live ... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Caracas 26.09.1981 - Hello Queen-Friends! Do you have a mediafire/ra... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
Live in Tokyo 13.02.1981 - Hi friends!! Do you have "Tokyo of 13.02.198... by patronus87 on 21.04.2008
C-Lebrity - Hi everybody!!! In your opinion.. when will Que... by patronus87 on 13.04.2008
ZURICH ’78 - April 30 1978 (FLAC) - Exist the torrent file?... by patronus87 on 11.04.2008
Queen in Cologne 1986 - Can you put the torrent file please? :)... by patronus87 on 11.04.2008
SuperBowl 1984 - Hi Friends! Do you have any dates of the queen ... by patronus87 on 10.04.2008
Queen in Cologne 1986 - Hello everybody! Do you have the queen concert in ... by patronus87 on 10.04.2008
Live in Berlin 1986 - Hello every body! scuse for my bad english! I'm it... by patronus87 on 06.01.2008
Live at the Kensington Roof Gardens in 1986 - Hello everybody!! Do you have "Live at the Ka... by patronus87 on 19.12.2007