
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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0 discussions started by 'cakebox'

42 posts by user 'cakebox'

No Subject - What a pretty face... by cakebox on 02.11.2007
Im selling my psr-530. - How interesting. I want a bag of crisps.... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
Im selling my psr-530. - Well, as it has been in your possession it will be... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
Impromptu,s - O BRADLEY FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
Impromptu,s - Anyone on youtube have clips. on impromptu,s maybe... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
No Subject - It is going to be a studio cd they are planning. F... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
Treasure Moment- New song FALLEN - You guys are hopeless... by cakebox on 18.10.2007
Treasure Moment- New song FALLEN - How exactly did you tell your singer that he s... by cakebox on 17.10.2007
Does anyone knows a good softsynth? - Only with sperm stains on it. O yeah I've also ... by cakebox on 17.10.2007
make some mixes of songs with freddie,s voice - Grace Kelly or No-one But You?? What's the special... by cakebox on 17.10.2007
the big shout against each other topic - Yah.... by cakebox on 16.10.2007
the big queen clips topic - clips. clips. clips. Clips!!!!! WHY can't yo... by cakebox on 16.10.2007
the big shout against each other topic - ^See? Thats what I mean.... by cakebox on 16.10.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - Indeed.... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - That might take a while... Well he does get me... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
the I hate Atheist thread - I hate Atheist. And now?... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
Face It Alone-more ! - And all of a sudden, everybody starts uploading sa... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
39 - Yeah, you could be right. That also reminds ... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
39 - Does mr May ever use a capo? Never seen him with a... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
There is hope for music - MMMMEEEOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
There is hope for music - Hehe, have you run out of insults? I tell y... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
There is hope for music - For Atheist: BWAAAAARADJIJIJDDJAAAAAAAAAAAAA ... by cakebox on 30.07.2007
There is hope for music - You couldn't make an intelligent remark if you... by cakebox on 29.07.2007
There is hope for music - Thank you. I am indeed a stupid idiot: fli... by cakebox on 29.07.2007
There is hope for music - Yes I know. Unlike you.... by cakebox on 29.07.2007
There is hope for music - You are terribly amusing, old bean. Tell me, w... by cakebox on 29.07.2007
There is hope for music - ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - you are cute... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - That was quite sarcastic really. I hope he doesn't... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - Funny you say that, cause from people like Ath... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
if got a BAND!!!! - Acoustic? That rules out your electric keyboar... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
Assassin - Demo - Full - I think it's a joke... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - 'lol', he seems to find himself very funny... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
a funny thing i did with queen song titles. - well yeah i'm not gonna deny that... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
a funny thing i did with queen song titles. - Sexually frustrated teen, eh? I bet your gi... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - traitor... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
a funny thing i did with queen song titles. - I laughed myself a hernia... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - It would be funny if it all turned out that At... by cakebox on 28.07.2007
There is hope for music - Yeah well, I'm always quite amused by atheists... by cakebox on 27.07.2007
There is hope for music - yeah, I thought I'd give Atheist some more rea... by cakebox on 27.07.2007
There is hope for music - Yeah, you're right there. Well, let's just ... by cakebox on 27.07.2007
There is hope for music - atheist = gay + worst musician in the world... by cakebox on 27.07.2007