
Search the QueenZone archive for interesting posts

When QueenZone shut down in November 2020 I have decided to save the database of forum posts and make it available to public. The forum will never become active again but it's available for fulltext search. All the posts since late 2004 (except for spam) are here and I'd like to remind you some of the best discussions. John S Stuart's posts about the Queen catalogue, Thor Arnold's posts about Freddie's life and Barry Mitchell's or Justin Shirley-Smith's interesting contributions are available here).

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2 discussions started by 'Cedric6014'

Who wrote these songs? - If I was to attribute the following songs to a ban... by Cedric6014 on 13.07.2007
Bad language - I fully expect to get flammed big time for this th... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007

57 posts by user 'Cedric6014'

WHAT MAKES SPREAD YOUR WINGS SO SPECIAL??????????? - It's not special - its average... by Cedric6014 on 02.08.2007
A timeline of Freddie Mercury's pictures as a youth/teenager - Hmm thats all from a book that I've read, or maybe... by Cedric6014 on 02.08.2007
Cobain Soundtrack - Let us know if you find it, I'm too lazy.... by Cedric6014 on 29.07.2007
All dead, all dead not thier worst - That's a bit silly. Little Richard's songs all... by Cedric6014 on 26.07.2007
Rock isn't the same - Oh my golly! I have actually seen Yo La Tengo!... by Cedric6014 on 23.07.2007
wieght problem - There's some sound advice right there... by Cedric6014 on 21.07.2007
So what other bands do u like? - Wo-ho! Someone else who is crazy about Nirvana... by Cedric6014 on 17.07.2007
So what other bands do u like? - Well I'm only gonna do a top 5: 1. Nirvana 2. Qu... by Cedric6014 on 17.07.2007
All dead, all dead not thier worst - I can't think of a band LESS guilty of ripping its... by Cedric6014 on 17.07.2007
All dead, all dead not thier worst - As for It's a Hard Life being a rip off Play or th... by Cedric6014 on 16.07.2007
All dead, all dead not thier worst - Collectively you guys have done an excellent job o... by Cedric6014 on 16.07.2007
YOUR wrong things about queen's songs. - Please humour us and explain. Otherwise you might ... by Cedric6014 on 16.07.2007
is there any1 that likes HotSpace more than other albums? - I agree too. And I think that album found some... by Cedric6014 on 14.07.2007
is there any1 that likes HotSpace more than other albums? - Like many Queen fans I find Hot Space to be mostly... by Cedric6014 on 13.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Queen II - It appears flawed anyway - after 220 votes, hot sp... by Cedric6014 on 13.07.2007
Best Queen Song? Apart fron Bo Rhap. - I would have said March of the Black Queen, BoRhap... by Cedric6014 on 13.07.2007
Who wrote these songs? - If I was to attribute the following songs to a ban... by Cedric6014 on 13.07.2007
Ranking Songs-A Night At The Opera - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Jazz - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-The Works - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-News Of The World - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Queen - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Made In Heaven - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-The Miracle - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Albums-Queen - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-The Game - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Sheer Heart Attack - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs - Innuendo - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-A Kind Of Magic - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-A Day At The Races - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Queen II - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Ranking Songs-Hot Space - Do this here: http://www.rankapple.com/index.php?... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - Argh stop bringing up my discredited post. FINE... by Cedric6014 on 11.07.2007
Bad language - Wasn't dear Freddie a British Faggot too?... by Cedric6014 on 10.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - Well, bearing all that in mind I still consider th... by Cedric6014 on 10.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - Well gee thanks for discrediting my ENTIRE post... by Cedric6014 on 10.07.2007
I'm sick of people obsessed with Freddie Mercury - ANYway, I think one of them actually said that Que... by Cedric6014 on 09.07.2007
Rank Queen's albums and album tracks - I voted too and frankly I was appalled at seeing H... by Cedric6014 on 08.07.2007
Dont try so hard - Yeah I always thought it was a bit of a lame song... by Cedric6014 on 05.07.2007
Films you've seen more than once. - Eeeewwwwwww! How can you watch these. They are... by Cedric6014 on 03.07.2007
Song Disscussion: Love Of My Life - Song: Love Of My Life. First Heard: A Night At Th... by Cedric6014 on 03.07.2007
Uh... - Hey, how do you guys know who wrote the songs that... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007
Bad language - Having been an interneteer for a few years now I'm... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007
Brian May: Latest Atrocity - can;t be assed addressing everything wrong with th... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007
Bad language - Yeah the title's a bit misleading, it's not so muc... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007
Bad language - I fully expect to get flammed big time for this th... by Cedric6014 on 02.07.2007
Are there any Kiwis on this site?? - Queen came to Pukekohe?? Choice!! I'm a bor... by Cedric6014 on 01.07.2007
Brain May : Some Dude. - We Will Rock you is an awesome song! Not his best ... by Cedric6014 on 01.07.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - Er.. that was me. And frankly I'm ashamed of I... by Cedric6014 on 29.06.2007
Your Top 5 Artists - I like your thinking 1) Nirvana 2) Queen 3)... by Cedric6014 on 29.06.2007
Your Top Ten Albums - 1) In Utero (Nirvana) 2) Queen II (Queen) 3) She... by Cedric6014 on 29.06.2007
Uh... - Okay here's my lot John 1) You’re my Best Fr... by Cedric6014 on 29.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - Hey wow I agree with all of that would you bel... by Cedric6014 on 28.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - Woops, was supposed to say this: Well, infactâ€... by Cedric6014 on 28.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - ... by Cedric6014 on 28.06.2007
Queen vs. Beatles - Wow this thread is so huge that I reckon it wouldn... by Cedric6014 on 28.06.2007
Your top 5 songs - Wow, first thing I'll say is that I'm new. So hell... by Cedric6014 on 27.06.2007